30. Wards

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A/N: This chap is dedicated to sassyroe who apparently hates my ass for throwing Kate out of the picture. But seriously her comments are so hilarious that you might die after reading them. Thank you so much  sassyroe for being this supporting and I hope that you continue the stream of awesome comments and guys please check sassyroe's book dracula's tempestuous bride. If you like my book then you'll love her book. Please check it out. Enjoy

Kate's P.O.V

"Did you find any information about her?" Kate asked the sorcerer that she hired in search for  Elisa.

The man hung his head in shame, "I'm so sorry Kate but the wards the vampire has casted around his territory are impossible to breach. There are no hopes of finding her." He said.

Sorcerers were the creatures with great power and beauty. It was said that no one can imprison them and they were masters in pinpointing perfect location of a person on the map. To hear that even a sorcerer couldn't find Elisa was like saying even God couldn't help you.

"GET OUT. How dare you say that there is no hope of finding her. She's MY SISTER. Get out before I kill you. Get out!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

The sorcerer went out without saying anything and I fell down on my seat, tears blurring and falling down my face as I saw the photoframe of me and my sweet Elisa hugging each other.

Even I'm starting to lose hope of finding Elisa.

I laid my head on the desk of my hospital room and tried to stop the wracking sobs that tried to emerge from my throat.

The door opened to reveal Jack coming inside.

I got up from my chair and without thinking launched myself in his arms and broke down.

"Shhh....Kate. please don't cry, it breaks my heart when I see your tears. Please tell me what is it and I'll help you in any way possible. Just tell me." Jack pleaded me and I pulled back.

I went back to the desk and showed him the photo of Elisa and something quickly passed his eyes but he hid it so well that I wasn't sure if my eyes were deceiving me.

"This is Elisa. She's my sister and don't ask how or why. I love her and some vampire kidnapped her. I'm trying everything in my power to bring her back but even that sorcerer couldn't find her and--"

"Okay. Calm down Kate and answer my questions." Jack said softly and I nooded my head.

"Did she have any conflicts or fight with any vampires?" He asked and I shook my head.

She never met a vampire or talked to them except for me and--

"Does she ever lie to you?" He asked.

"What type of question is that?" I asked.

"Just asking, you know like--"

"She would never do that. She does not have a boyfriend and not even a vampire for that matter." I said.

"Then that leaves only one conclusion." He said.

I frowned and looked at him in confusion, then understanding dawned on my face.

My eyes widened, "No that's not possible. She's a human and vampires rarely have humans as their mates. She can't be a vampire's mate!" I shrieked.

"It's a possibility Kate. Tell me how did you meet her?" He asked.

"I did not meet her. Alec brought her to me two years back when he saved Elisa from her brother. He asked me to take care of her and I agreed." I said and kept the owing Alec part to myself because at the metion of Alec's name, jack clenched his fists and looked ready to punch someone.

Then his anger turned to confusion, "Listen, I'll be back in an hour, don't go anywhere. Okay?" He said and didn't even glanced back as he went out of the room.

I sighed.

After 1 hour.

Jack bursted in my office, "I inquired some vampires and guess what, only one vampire has found a mate recently." He said.

"What? Who is he?" I asked, feeling dread setting in the pit of my stomach.

"Alec." He said and to say that I was shocked would be an understatement.

"No no no. That's not possible because he himself broght her to me two years back. If  she was his  mate then why would he bring Elisa to me in the first place?" I said but my heart was telling me that it might be true.

"We both know how Alec despises humans, maybe he didn't want her at that time and brought her to you but now that I'm back, he might want her powers to kill me again though he won't succed this time." He said smirking.

"Elisa was kidnapped before you showed up." I said and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Then maybe he thought that he wanted her mate back and took her? The question is not why he took her, I'm just saying that it's a possibility that Elisa might be Alec's mate. How was he behaving with Elisa  when he brought her to you? " He asked.

I remembered, "Elisa was unconscious and in his arms, there was ample amout of space to lay her down but he kept her in his arms all the time till I reminded him, his expression was mixed with fury and confusion. Though it was very weird that he brought an alive human to me and asked me to take care of her." I finished.

"Then it's confirmed that Alec has Elisa. Maybe at that time he didn't recognise her as his mate but later realised it." He said and now I was 100% sure that Elisa was with Alec.

"Oh my God! Jack. We need to bring her back. You know how ruthless and cold hearted he is. He can break her and believe me she's very very vulnerable. We need to go to Alec's castle but I don't even know where it is." I said and began pacing around.

Jack placed a hand on my shoulder and turned me to face him, "I was there in his castle a few days back. I'll go--"

"No I'll go with you too." I said stubbornly and he sighed.

"Fine we'll both go,  just let me remember how to break his wards." He said and closed his eyes, concentrating.

After a few minutes he opened his eyes and they were blood red with fury. I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Jack?"

"That son of a bitch changed the spells and placed new wards around. Now I can't remember the route of my own fucking castle." He said and his body was vibrating in anger.

I will kill you Alec if you even lay a finger on her.

"Calm down Jack. You're powerful. Try to break the spells." I said to him, running my hand down his arm.

"If I try it now then he'll know that I'm breaking them and immediately change them and breaking wards takes great deal of energy. We'll do it tonight and get Elisa the hell out of his grasp." He promised me and I nodded my head smiling because I believed him.

Hello my sweet readers.

I'm sorry for such a short chap.

But next one will be wrong and we'll finally know who wants to kill Elisa and Alec.

Any final guesses?

Until then hugs and see ya

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