Chapter 39

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Jules turned to Ceaser and he just watched her waiting for it. Whatever it was.

"My parents died today, two years ago." Jules sighed when she got it out and looked back at the beach "It was my second day of work after my yearly leave and my parents were flying here to Greece for their honeymoon where they had first met. I had dropped them off at the airport and wished them a safe flight not knowing what was to come." She paused "They were supposed to get there the next day and I had told them to give me a call but I didn't get any. I tried their numbers and it was switched off and I guessed their flight might have been running late and they hadn't turned their phones on. I went to work and I got a call from a strange number. It was from the airline my parents had gone by. They said the plane crashed the day before and they were contacting all the relatives of everyone who boarded the plane to deliver the news."

Ceaser couldn't even begin to understand how she was feeling. All he could do was listen and be there for her.

"They said they would contact me if or when they retrieved the body because it had gone up in flames. When they did, I hadn't looked because I didn't want to remember my parents in whichever condition they were, I wanted to remember them with the memories I had of them, with them. I'm not even sure which day I dread the most, the day they died, the day I found out, the day they had called when they retrieved their body or the day of the funeral." She sighed "When your parents had asked if I wanted to join them for the trip, I accepted because I thought it would help if I was away and it's my first year with Ivy. I didn't know we were coming here to Greece and when I found out..."

Ceaser remembered when she found out
"You were shocked."

"I wasn't sure if being here was a good thing or a bad thing." She said "Being here meant being closer to them, in a way and it also meant more feelings even though I've been trying for the past two years to avoid them. It all came crashing down this morning, being here and all."

"You're allowed to grieve your parents' death, Jules." Ceaser said, "No one's going to hold it against you."

"I know, I just...I know when I begin to grieve their death, I wouldn't be able to stop."

"There's no stopping Jules." He said, "Everyday something would remind you of them, you can't stop going out because of that. Instead, you smile with the memory of them and not worry about trying to block out your feelings. Grieve them as long as you want to and one day you'll be able to smile when you think of them and not cry. Embrace the grieve, Jules."

Jules looked at Ceaser and he saw the storm in her eyes and he watched as the storm calmed and her eyes teared up. Jules let the grieve overwhelm her and she let the walls she had put up crumble and a dam came through. Ceaser pulled Jules into him and didn't say a word as she cried into his shoulder. All that pent-up emotion that had been building inside her for two years she got it out and more.

Time passed and Jules' cry had turned into soft sniffles and before she knew it, she was out like a light. Ceaser had waited till it was dark and carried her to the car. He went back to get the picnic basket and put the bicycle in the boot. He drove back to the Villa glancing at her every moment.

She had been through a lot and she was still so strong.

On getting to the Villa, Ceaser carried Jules to her room and tucked her in bed. His parents had retired for the day and when he got back from getting the basket from the car and putting everything where they belonged, Jules walked into the kitchen and walked straight to him giving a hug from the back. Ceaser froze then looked down at her hand in front of him around his abs. He dropped everything he had in his hand and took a hold of one of hers and turned around to face her. Jules looked up at him not knowing what to say. She'd never broken down, not to talk of doing it when someone was there even if that person was Ceaser. But she was grateful.

"Thank y..."

"Shh." Ceaser stopped her before she could get it out "You have nothing to be thankful for. I'll always be there for you." He brushed her hair behind her shoulder and Jules tilted her head to the side, his touch burning her skin.

She didn't know what daze she was in whenever he was near her and he had shown her a side of himself today that told her all she needed to know about him.

He was a dream. A dream come true. A true knight in shining Armor. An Armor that he used to protect everyone he cared about.

Jules reached up and placed her hand behind his neck and pulled him down as she went on tippy toes. She gave him a moment to stop her but he didn't and she crashed her lips with his. She welcomed the tingles and the heat. Ceaser's hands went to her ass in those ridiculously short shorts of hers that he hadn't been able to ignore since morning. His hand went up to her hips then her waist. He picked her up and turned around, placing her on the kitchen counter, Jules wrapped her legs around him which drew them closer than they already were.

When the kiss broke, they both took a minute to catch their breath.

"Jules..." Ceaser tried to get put in his raspy breathless voice

"Stay with me tonight." She begged.

"We can't." He said

"I won't do anything." She said and he laughed.

If only she knew.

"Promise?" He asked.

"I promise."

Ceaser drew back to look at her then he picked her up from the counter and carried her to her room. He placed her on the bed watching her as he looked at him.

She looked so sexy looking at him that way like she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. But not tonight.

Ceaser thought as he walked to the other side and got in bed with her. Jules scooted over to him and he opened his arms for her to come in. She went willingly and placed her head above his heart and her arms across him as she listened to the silent beating of his heart. Ceaser's hand stroked the upper part of her hand and placed his other on hers which was across his mid-riff.

Her chest rose and fell with each tap of her finger on his body.

"Are you going to stop that?"

"Yea." She said but she kept tapping.

"When?" He asked.

"When forever ends." Ceaser smiled and Jules snuggled closer into him.

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