Chapter 30

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HEY! :)

Sorry for the super long delay in uploads, ya'll. I sooo wish I was able to write more and upload more often. I would love to be able to write everyday and upload like twelve page long chapters. But because of life, that is impossible.

I hate getting so far behind in my works....but hey. I'm glad that I can write and upload at least a little. I love getting all ya'll's feedback. It means so much to me that you like my work.

Thanks so much to all of my wonderfully supportive fans! And a special thank you to all of my new fans. Your support is so much appreciated!! xD


Katy's POV

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and Jordan's arm slung over me haphazardly. The events of the previous night came to the forefront of my mind as my brain came to life.

After Jordan had kissed me, I did the only thing I knew to do. I fled the scene of the crime. And then, I pulled the oblivious, innocent act. I had moved Carter to bed and taken care of him before serving dinner. I spent the evening getting to know Layton and heard all about "her" kids in Africa and the work she was doing there. As for Jordan...I avoided eye contact at all costs as he hung out with Caleb, catching up on everything they had missed about each other's lives. 

Then when Jordan had walked Caleb and Layton out to their car, I had cleaned up quickly. Before Jordan made it back in the door, I had gone upstairs to get ready for bed. I had crawled into bed a little before eleven, no sign of my husband.

I looked at the clock, finding that it was only four thirty in the morning. I sighed, wishing I could pound my head on the pillows, but because Jordan was so close, it was impossible. I didn't want to wake him up....that would mean having to talk. And look at him....all of which I had avoided since he had randomly grabbed me and kissed me. Which, I might add, though it surprised me very much, I have to admit I enjoyed it. I just couldn't figure out what had spurred him to do that.

Closing my eyes, I willed myself to go back to sleep. "Sleep, Katy, sleep," I mumbled to myself. I tried counting sheep but nothing worked. I kept seeing Jordan's face every time I closed my eyes. Since admitting my feelings for him to myself, I realized just how long I had cared about him. Thinking back, if I was completely honest, I had actually had a teeny tiny crush on him back when we first met. And over time, those feelings had developed into something deeper. We may have only been "married" for a few months, but that was plenty of time to fall for someone, especially when you lived with them and where around them every single day. But the question I kept asked myself was hard to answer. Am I really in love with Jordan? Or is it just infatuation?

Something that Layton had said before she left kept coming to mind. As she was putting on her shoes and getting ready to leave, she had looked up at me with a serious gaze. "You know what, Katy?" she asked.

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveWhere stories live. Discover now