Chapter Five

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"Mr. Mendes." I said and he looked at me. I was dressed up in a nice dress, my hair done up, and light makeup on.

He said if people wanted to buy the fact we're dating, we need to be seen with one another in public a lot. I just agreed to the lunch date and told him I'd dress nice.

"You look stunning." He said and I thanked him, actually catching a handful of people take pictures. One was a grown man, probably paparazzi, the others teenage girls, most likely fans of his.

"Thank you." I said and he led me to a table. Two cups of coffee were already there and two muffins, chocolate chip they looked like.

"Have you packed? Our flight is scheduled to leave tomorrow." He said and I nodded as I crossed my legs.

"Yeah, I packed the other day with my friend." I said and he nodded. "Do I need to bring a lot?"

"No, one or two suit cases will be fine. You can buy things over there." He said and I nodded, reminded of the fact I'm allowed to take his credit card and buy whatever the fuck I wanted.

That just hasn't sunken in quite yet.

"Alright, I packed really light so..." I told him and he nodded as he set his hand on my thigh.

"You look really good in this dress, Monica." He said and I thanked him as he took a drink of his coffee.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I said, my fingers playing with the buttons on the grey Henley shirt he had on.

"Thanks, I tried." He said and I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "I dislike wearing my suit outside of the office or when I'm not at a photoshoot."

"Who runs your business while you're on tour and stuff?" I asked him and he crossed his legs too.

"My good friend Alex." He said and I nodded. "He is the co-owner, it's just not many people remember the fact it's co-owned. Camera's almost always on me."

"I forgot." I said honestly and he chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him to fed the act and he leaned down.

"You're gonna have to come to my concerts." He said and I nodded as I looked at him. "Hope you enjoy the shows."

"I think I will. I'm always up for a concert." I staid and he nodded as he dropped his sunglasses, letting them rest on the bridge of his nose as he picked at a muffin. "Your music isn't bad."

He chuckled and nodded. "Not bad, great for my self esteem. It isn't good, just... not bad." He said, clearly joking, and I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I mean." I said and he told me that he did. I picked up my cup of coffee and took a drink as he pulled his phone out.

I watched as he went through his social media and then looked at me. "What's your Instagram?" He asked and went to search it as I told him.

He followed me and then nodded. "And so the rumors start." He said and I smiled smally, unsure if I was ready to have his entire fanbase coming at me for "taking" their man.

He liked a few of my pictures, selfies of myself when I got bored, and then liked random things off of his timeline. "Would you like to go to dinner tonight?" He asked me and I nodded.

"That'd be lovely." I said, mimicking the formal way he talked. He rolled his eyes and laughed a bit before looking at his phone.


"I'll see you soon?" I told Kiara and she nodded as we shared a hug. "I'll miss you KiKi, now who's supposed to help me with makeup? I can barely apply eyeliner."

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