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1. The Lost Princess

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There is a story that has been whispered into ear after ear across many countries. It's a sad but hopeful story, the story of The Lost Princess of Scotland.

You should know that the story I am about to tell you is true. The horrific events within said story are real, however I should inform you that some details have been altered and exaggerated over the passing years so believe as much as you wish.

Once upon a time, seventeen years ago to be exact, Queen Elizabeth of Scotland gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. King Henry and his Queen were delighted with their first born and immediately wished to protect her from the world until the Queen was well enough to present her to the court.

The King swore the servants to secrecy to keep the news of their daughter a secret.

However, the King knew they lived in dark times and his enemies would want to know if an heir to the throne had been born. Whilst the Queen was recovering, news of an attack from an ally spread like wildfire across the country. The King was very unnerved by the idea of a trusted ally threatening his country so he began preparing his soldiers for battle.

Unfortunately two days later the castle was under attack from Spain. Thousands of soldiers were mercilessly slaughtered along with the families that lived within the castle walls, no one was spared.

The Queen knew her fate was near and feared for her new born daughter's life. She ordered her most trusted lady in waiting, Iris, to take the baby out of the castle and travel as far away as possible until no one knew their names.

Iris asked what the baby girl's name was and the Queen answered "My favourite flowers are Roses and her delicate lips are as red as their petals. I'm putting my trust in you Iris to look after her with your life because I can't with mine that is why I'm naming her Rosalie, a flower like you."

Tears fell between both the Queen and Iris as they said their goodbyes. The Queen packed a bag with blankets, money and food for the journey.

"Your Majesty, is there anything you wish for me to give to her when she is a little older?" Iris asked as she wrapped baby Rosalie in plenty of warm blankets.

The Queen walked over to her dressing table and picked up a detailed glass bottle filled with her favourite rose scented perfume.

Iris took the bottle and placed it securely within the bag "Give this to her when she becomes of age please Iris, she will be as bright as a ray of light from heaven at that age." The Queen said sadly.

With a loving kiss on the head and a prayer to God, the Queen said a final goodbye to her precious daughter.

Iris held Rosalie close to her chest as she slid behind a curtain at the back of the Queen's bedchamber and pushed on the wallpapered walls that concealed a secret door.

With one last look at her brave Queen, Iris began to close the door slowly when suddenly a loud bang echoed through the room and around eight soldiers charged into the room.

Iris silently closed the door but stayed very still behind it. There was a spot of light leaking out of a small hole in the wooden door. Iris was about to bend down slightly to look through but an ear-piercing scream jolted her backwards, dark chuckles filled her ears but nothing could replace the Queen's pained screams.

"Forgive me, my Queen" Iris whispered before forcing herself to move away from the door and to tip toe down the dark tunnel.

"Your mother was the most loyal and brave woman I've ever known" Iris said gazing down at the sleeping baby in her arms. She stroked the light blonde curls that stuck out from the top of the blankets "I will honour my promise and look after you always. You are the light in this dark sinister world Princess of Scotland."

Now, there are several different versions of what happened next, the next more explicit and horrific than the other.

The castle was completely wiped out, no one was left alive.

The King was murdered, tortured, burnt alive, hung, drawn and quartered, fed to the pigs, bled dry, grind up into a paste and served on fresh bread in Spain. You name it; there are endless versions of what happened that day.

There was a similar ending for the Queen as well but what stands out most in the different versions of the story is that they all say she suffered the most and for the longest. Dirty bastards!

That is how the story abruptly comes to an end I'm afraid. No one knows what happened to Iris and The Lost Princess of Scotland, in many countries people say they have seen her but I know none are true. You see, I know how this story ends or should I say begins...

Royal Blood (Book I)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें