Chapter 5

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Your POV
"He kissed you!?" Hanji asked as she gave me my medince.

"Yeah.." I smiled.

I was still in the hospital, I longed to go back to work. But I couldn't. Levi came and visited me everyday no matter what. Rain or shine. It has been a couple weeks from the incident. I wanted to know who the guy was but I kept my mouth shut. Hanji chuckled as she left the room to tend to someone else. I picked up a book from the nightstand and began reading.

"You know you have read that book at least 50 times since you have been here..." A familiar voice said.

I looked up to see Levi leaning on the door frame smiling softly. I smiled back at him as he sits on the edge of my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Ready to get out of this bed." I sighed.

"You will soon." He smiled.

I sighed and sat the book down on the nightstand. When I looked back up Levi was centimeters from my face. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"L-Levi!?" I stammered.

"Nice blush...."

I tried to say something but nothing came out. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer as he edged closer to me.

"Excuse me!"

We both turn around heads to see Hanji at the door. I could feel embarrassment creep across me and Levi's face. Hanji chuckled.

"Alright (y/n) your vital signs seem pretty good. So you can go home!" Hanji smiled.

"Really!?" I asked.

"Yep!" Hanji said leaving.

I look at Levi and smile. He smiles back softly. I get up and go to the bathroom to change.

"Meet me outside when your done!" He said leaving the room.

I chuckle softly and get change. I pull on a sweater and some blue jeans that fit me just right. I look at the room before I leave.

"So many memories have been made here for the past two months. Levi talking to me every day till I fall asleep. Him bringing me coffee in the morning before anyone else was up in the hospital. Saving his butt from eyebrows......having that beautiful kiss that almost made me flutter away....working and reading stories.....Levi being a ding dong and fell out of that wheely chair in the corner."

I chuckle softly and head down the hall. I ride the elevator down and running out of the building. I take a deep breath of fresh air. It was nice to feel the sun on my face again, beside it hitting me through the window. This was better. I heard a car horn and I look over to see Levi standing there with his nice black car. I smile and walk over to him. He opens the door me and I jump in. He walks to the other side and gets in. I sigh happily as he starts the nice car.

"Can we go fast, like really fast?" I pleaded.

"Sure." He chuckled.

We drive out to this empty road track. It looked pretty abandoned, we drive up through the gates and on to the track. Levi shifts the car in gear and looks at me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready as I will ever be!!!" I squealed.

Levi steps on the gas pedal and we go flying. It almost takes my breath away. I hold on to to his arm slightly as we fly around the track. I squeal and shout as we take a really sharp turn. I could hear him laughing as we turned again. We were about to turn again when there was a bunch of people a their cars right in front of us. Levi slows down until our car in front of this tall man with shaggy blonde hair. He almost looks like a horse.

"That brat never gives up..." Levi sigh.

We get out of the car and walk over to the gang. The tall blonde smirks at me. I scold at him and move over to Levi.

"What do you want Jean?" Levi barked.

"This is our track..." Jean scolded us.

"Who says?" I shot back.

I could hear the mumble a little bit in the back. Jean smirks and walks over to me. He walks closer and scolds me.

"Don't push me sweetheart." He growled.

"Oh did I embarrass you?" I teased.

I could hear a few guys in the background go "oooh". Jean growls and gets closer to me.

"How about we race for the track sweetheart?" He suggested.

"Fine, only one thing we win you own me your car. You win you get the track and our car. Got it?" I said holding out my hand.

Jean smirked and shook my hand. He turned around walked over to his gang. I looked over at Levi who didn't look too happy. He had arms crossed and frowning.

"Dont worry you won't loose your car." I said walking over to him.

"Jean has never been beaten before!" Levi growled.

"Well then it will be his first!" I said kissing his cheek.

I could a light blush creep across his face. I smile softly.

"Dont doubt me Ackerman.." I said getting into the car.

I rolled the window down as Levi walked over. He put his head through the window slightly. I buckled up and started the car. He sighed.

"Be careful ok?" He sighed as he lifted his head.

"I'll be fine." I smirked and shifted gears.

I slowly rolled up to the faded starting line with Jean's (f/c) car at your side.

"That's a really nice car.....but Levi's is better."

I growled as I looked over at Jean who was smirking. I rolled my eyes and focused them back on the track. I looked over at the radio and turned it up. I was ready. Some girl walked out onto the track wearing short shorts and a tink top. I heard the boys whistle in the background as she walked over to our cars. She started waving a black flag.


I made the engine purr loudly.


Jean buckled up and gripped the stirring wheel tight.


I hit the gas pedal and I was off. Jean was right on my tail as turned the first turn. I shifted the gears and made the car go faster. Jean was right at my side. He looked at me and I smirked. He frowned and looked back to the road. I shifted gears once more and zoomed past Jean. Jean caught up with me quick and hit the side of the car.

"Oh no you just didn't...."

I turned the wheel sharp turning the whole car sideways. I hit the brakes lightly as I swooped around the corner. When I turned the corner I was completely backwards. My back facing the finish line and my front facing Jean's. I turned around still holding the wheel. I shifted the gears and hit the gas pedal. I was driving backwards. I turned my mirror to see the finish line a few miles away. I sharper my eyes as Jean came to my side again. I looked over at Jean.

"Give up sweetheart!" He snickered.

"In your dreams!" I shot back.

I shifted the gears and turned the car completely back around. Swooping in front of Jean and hitting the gas pedal. I watched as the crowd went crazy as I edged toward the finish line. I chuckled and looked in the mirror at Jean who was behind me. Then I crossed the finish line.......

I Fell In Love With My Boss...[Levi X The Reader]Where stories live. Discover now