Chapter 1

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Camila's POV

This couldn't be happened, the last day of summer and my friends cancelled on me. Today was supposed to be all about us. About enjoying the last day of doing absolutely nothing. They promised not to cancel, but they did. Now what was I supposed to do?

Another thing, they didn't care to inform me until I was at the zoo already. How ironic, at the zoo, where I didn't even want to come in the first place. My irresponsible friends were the ones who planned it, and spent a good amount of time convincing me to go with them.

The worst part was that I was dropped off. Basically, I had no ride back home. Neither of my friends could pick me up because they were apparently too busy with other sudden plans. Those girls were going to hear from me, leaving me hanging like this.

Unfortunately, my mom was at my Aunt's house; that was about three hours away. She couldn't just come and pick me up. I had to wait, for what? I didn't know, not until my mom was ready to come back. Great, that means I'm going to be at the zoo for three hours. Doing what? Just looking at animals? Well it was an enormous zoo, maybe it would take all that time to explore everything.

Deciding to enjoy the trip gone wrong, I walked around. I came upon the cheetahs. They had to be the most gorgeous cats ever. Their black spotted fur was so unique and fascinating. Eye captivating. I stood close to the hand rail and stared admirably at one of the cheetahs. The slender build made it interesting, resembling a woman's curves. I loved seeing the spine move as it walked. It swayed from left to right, I swear, it was like seeing a woman embrace their beauty. Showing it off, demonstrating how worthy and desirable it was. I couldn't take my eyes off of the cheetah.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard a husky voice to my side say. I looked to my left, and the girl staring straight forward at the cheetah, admirably, just like I was. I couldn't help but to stare at her, there was something about her presence.

"Uh, yeah." I answered out of breath.

"Did you know that they can run up to 70 miles per hour over a short distance?" She stated a fact that was actually interesting.

"I didn't know that," I replied still looking at her even though she was still focused on the cheetah.

Just then she turned her direction to me, "Hi, I'm Lauren." Her hand extended out to me.

"I'm Camila." I took her outstretched hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Camila." She smiled warmly. "If you would like to know more about this gorgeous mammal, I would be happy to inform you." She offered. Wow, I thought that was very nice of her. Especially because we were just strangers.

I couldn't break the eye contact. She was so beautiful. Her big rounded eyes that had a special spark that was captivating. Her skin looked really smooth, which I had the urge to feel. It was strange, but her beauty justified it all. Never in my life had I ever seen anyone so unbearably gorgeous as her. Her thick raven black hair was perfect. Her figure was just as slender as the cheetahs. Such a desirable body.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I accepted the offer. "Thank you." I smiled.

"The black teardrop markings on their face protect their eyes from sun glare." She stated another fact. That was interesting as well. "Unfortunately, they're threatened with extinction." She said in a sad tone.

"Really?" Awe that was upsetting.

"It has become illegal to hunt them, but people still do it." She added. Some people were heartless idiots. What if someone was going around hunting them down, huh? How would they like it? Sure the cheetah fur was fascinating, but that didn't justify the killings. The fur belonged to them, no one had the right to hunt them just for their fur.

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