Step 4: Seating Arrangements Are A Bitch

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So much for non-constant updates huh? After you read this you'll understand.

At this rate, updates will be daily...yay.



"Don't sit down yet!" Ms. A announced when we walked into the classroom.

"I'm setting up a seating chart. I'll call out a number and a name. Desks are numbered."

I sighed and impatiently waited for my seat number.

"Kevin! Number 1."

I gulped.

I had such a bad feeling that she was going to-

"Seat 2, Selena."

Everyone had a reaction. Because everyone knew that this would be the seat to watch for entertainment.

My eyes bulged out.

Code red! Houston we have a big f*cking problem!

"Jesus." Kevin said playfully.

"Trust me I was thinking the same thing." I rolled my eyes and sat down.

But in the back of my mind I was kind of excited I got to sit by him.

Maybe more for the chapters it would bring but, who knows what'll happen? You never know with us.

I sat down.

I pulled out my One Direction comp book.

He looked at me. God I melt under those brown eyes.

"You're not going to say anything?"

"Huh?" He asked.

"You're not going to say anything?"

"No?" He looked confused.

Whatever. Be a bitch.

"Write what you did this summer." She told us.


I went to Elitches with Student Council. I also saw my best friend Scar.

What else did I do?

Planned a book out about the boy to my left and all the bitches behind me. But that's not nice to say.

I sat there huffing and sighing in frustration as I had no third sentence.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked.

"I can't think of a third sentence. I literally have no life."

My little cousin was born? No...

I've been obsessing over Teen Wolf every freaking Monday? Not worth the insults.

I groaned and placed my head on my desk.

"Why don't you just do a concluding sentence?"

I snapped my head up.

"You're brilliant." I smiled and jotted down a closing sentence.

"I know." He smiled cockily.

You just can't compliment this guy.

If I told him something like I love you he'd probably reply with an "I love me too."

I roll my eyes just thinking about it.

"Okay who's going first?"

After an awkward minute of silence she chose Alina.

Alina read hers aloud.

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