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The day had finally come. Our train was booked for midnight as it was cheaper. Nineteen years of my life were packed into boxes and shipped across the country. It gave me an indescribable feeling.

As she locked the door to the house, my mum lingered for a bit. The house contained all of the ups and downs in her life. I hugged her from behind. It was really just the two of us now.

We had planned to take one last walk around the neighbourhood before heading to the train station. "Mum," I said.


"Do you regret loving dad?"

She stopped in her tracks and looked at me. Under the night sky, she looked oddly beautiful. Was this how she would have looked if she hadn't gotten married? She cupped my face gently in her hands and said, "No. I would never be able to forgive him, but every single time I look at you, I thank him from the bottom of my heart."

I wondered if that was how love was. It wasn't clear-cut. You could have so much love for someone, while at the same time, you could bear so much hatred for them. Maybe that was why we often hurt the ones we loved most.

"Honey?" She said. "What happened to that boy in the hospital? You stopped talking about him."

It was my turn to stop in my tracks. "He's sick, mum. I can't visit him."

"Oh, honey, I'm sure you can." She said, pulling my hand as she hailed for a cab.

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