-Mia's Pov-

I walk into the hospital where I am going to get my blood test, perfect. Just what I love! Having a needle stuck in my arm as blood is drawn out right in front of me.

I look up at the looming building that towers over me The woman stand holding open the door glaring st her watch then to me and back at the watch, she taps her foot as she waits and I quicken my pace. Why must they have gotten me heels? My feet ache terribly and I am beginning to worry my big toe isn't getting any French blood anymore.

  We dodge people as we race across the busy lobby and dash into a overcrowded elevator. I stand there stiff as a stick in the elevator as a man with a sea captains beard breathes down my neck and a small child crying just besides my arm which becomes a taker for snot. I still can't believe I actually didn't freak out right there as the snot came into contact with my arm. Instead I bolted out of the elevator with the woman racing after me and I was scrubbing down my arm faster than you could stay "germs".

"What the hell Mia!" The woman dashes into the bathroom just a minuet after me to find me scrubbing my arm raw with the berry scented soap and a paper towel.

"A kid sneezed on me" I mumble. The woman gives me a look that screams "are you kidding me" but when a kid sneezes on you and your in a hospital your not going to take chances. I dry my hands with the crinkly brown paper towel as I exit the bathroom and we walk quickly and swiftly to a office.

   We enter to find ourselves in a small room consisting of 2 navy blue couches with a dark wooden desk with many machines spread out across it which to my best guess are what is going to be testing the Dna of the blood for quick results. My eyes meet three men standing in front of me and one woman. The woman had dirty blond hair pulled back into a tight bun with hazel eyes, she was tall and slim and had a long white coat on with black dress pants.

  The three men consisted of one man who was the shortest and had light hair and seems to have a careful eye on the other two. The second one was so what Between the other two in height but he seems to be bored and Very high up in the ranks as he had a good posture. He looked at me as if he had no on street in being here. And finally the tallest of the three had dark curly hair and was wearing a long coat. He seems to be stareing at me as if I was the most interesting person in the world.

  "Hello Mia, if I could ask you to take a seat right here we could begin quickly" the woman who is the Doctor I am guessing smiles and I sit on the couch on the right side of the room as the two other men take a seat across from me and the shortest man who I quickly learn his name is John, from the hushed conversation Sherlock who I also learned the name of, sits on the desk.

I sit down as she kneels and prods for the location to place the needle. I a swift move she inserts the needle as the blood drains into the tube and she removes it and a cotton ball replaces the needle.

She continues to do it to Sherlock and then the the older man named Mycroft. She then dashes off and places each rude of blood into the machine and clicks away at the computer. I am taken out of the room by the lady and taken to a waiting room that clearly doesn't get much attention as the table was covered in dust. How nice in a hospital?

   "Mia, we need to know everything you know about your mother?" She grasps my arm. Why bring this up now?

  "I told you everything already and I won't speak another word" I spit. I hate repeating myself. I just stare at her and she stares back leading into a intense stare off neither of us daring to loose this battle.

   I am not sure how long we sit there, staring in silence. It must have been a long time though as the three men appear in the room suddenly nearly making me jump when the tallest mans voice rings out behind me.

  "I guess your coming with me" he says before turning on his heels and quickly makes his way down the hall disappearing. I am left in disbelief.

   "Here is the papers" the Doctor runs out hands them to the woman and rushes down the halls. Something must have happened.

   "Do not worry. He is in a bit of shock. You can come with me, I am his flat mate" John gives a small smile, a welcoming smile. Somehow trust is immediate with him which shocks me with my lack of trust.

   "I'll be coming around later to ensure she is happy and safe" the woman smiles, as if she cares about how safe I am and that I am happy. She would pass it if I was left to starve.

   "Do you need the adre-" John starts but is cut off.

  "No need, it is printed on this sheet. 221B Baker Street. Correct?" She glances at the paper.

  "Yes" John stutters.

  "Very well, I'll be around 8pm" and with that she struts down the hall.

  "I'll be visiting later also, I have a small bet the collect" Mycroft looks down at me before walking off too.

"We best be off" John says as I swing my bag up onto my shoulder and we catch a taxi. The whole ride there I am given more warning than I can remember about what I could come across when I arrive.

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