Chapter Seventeen

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For hours after I had confessed my story to Will, I lay in bed staring at my ceiling. Was I really as strong as he said? I didn't see how. I hadn't been able to forgive my mom. I hadn't been able to face Nathan without anyone by my side. I hadn't conquered the world. And yet Will Williams thought I was strong.

My cell rang, breaking the thought process in my head. I glanced at the caller ID. Cory's smiling face lit up the screen. I answered. "Hey."

"Hey, little sis," he said.

I smiled at the sound of his voice. No matter how crazy they made me sometimes, I loved my brothers; the ones Marnie and Steve had given me. They'd accepted me in a way I hadn't known to be possible. And they'd made me family.

"How's college life?" I asked.

"Oh, you know. Breaking some hearts, got all the girls lusting after me. The usual."

I laughed. This cockiness was what I loved (and hated, at times) about Cory.

"I'm sure you do," I said dryly. "Are you coming home for Thanksgiving?"

"And miss Mom's turkey? Not a chance. Of course I'll be there, squirt."


We chatted for a while longer, before the conversation inevitably turned to football.

"How's the team?"

"They're still pretty great, even without both you and Bryan there as the dynamic duo."

"Good... Who's QB this year?"

"Umm... Will Williams."

"Really? Is he any good?"

"Yeah, he's pretty great..."

"There's something you're not telling me."

"Wha-at? No, there isn't."

"Oh yes there is." He paused. "Hailey, you aren't involved with Will Williams, are you?"

"No!" I answered, too quickly.

"You are! Hailey, what have I told you about him?"

"Shut up Cory." I grumbled.

"Hailey, come on! He's bad news, you wouldn't-"

"-Believe the things he's done. Right?" I finished.

"Well, yeah."

"Look, Cory, I know what I'm doing, okay? Just trust me on this one?"

"I... I just don't want to see you hurt, squirt."

My voice softened. "I know. But I'll be okay. Talk to you later, alright?"

"Alright. Bye, squirt."


I clicked end and fell back on my pillows, more confused than ever.

Had I really just defended Will Williams?


Mallory caught me grinning.

"What's got you so happy tonight?" She asked, a wicked grin on her face.

"Nothing, shrimp," I said defensively. Jesus, I might have well opened my door for a Grill Will session. But the tone worked just as effectively.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Mallory chanted.

"No," I said firmly, heading to my room. The door was littered with Keep Out and Danger signs. Which should, in theory, keep Mallory out. Of course she didn't listen. The crack of the door shutting never came as Mallory followed me in.

"Mal," I groaned. "Do you pay no attention to the signs?"


I crossed my arms. "I'm not telling."

"Oh, Will." She batted her eyelashes at me. "You always do."


There's not really much I can say to that, because she's right.

Another groan. "Fine, I'll tell you."

"Yay!" She exclaimed.

"So we went to Fargo Fields..." And I told her everything. Winning the game, Hailey and I's almost kiss, and the diner.

When I was done, Mallory's face resembled that of a girl sharing first-kiss and holding-hands stories at a slumber party. She even let out the small, mournful sigh of contentment.

"Oh. My. God." Mallory said in awe.

Then she started jumping up and down, clapping her hands and giggling hysterically. If it wasn't Mallory, I would have thought she was having a seizure.

She pointed at me and said, "I ship you guys!" Then she turned back around and flounced out of the room.

She shipped us.

She shipped us.


Okay, so maybe this was totally overreacting but Mallory's ship predictions were freakishly accurate.

So I was a little nervous. But, then again, there was also some strange feeling of happiness creating knots in my stomach.

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