Chapter twelve: the memories return

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All these years I never thought I would declare war...I always thought it would most likely be my father least I thought it would be my brother...Blake. It's funny how I still remember his name after all this time. You would think that because he's the older brother he would be the heir to the reaper legacy. But as I said, there's a reason why I thought he would declare war.

Like my name, his also has a meaning. Blake means dark, and he was given that name purposely. Everything he's ever done has a dark meaning. My brother was never interested in being heir to the leagacy, he spent most of his time on earth, mainly in the suburbs of England. On his 18th birthday, my father was ready to hand over the throne to him but he disappeared. I was 14 when he left. It's been two years since he's been gone and if he doesn't return in two more years, I will take over the throne. I've often wondered what he could be doing on earth. Perhaps I shall meet him again, whether it's on the battle field or not. That's the scary part, will my brother support me? Or the enemy? He is known for his dark acts after all...

"Put her down!" The King beams.

"Nah, I'm ok thanks for the offer though" Leo answers, cockily.

"King Bloodbrook!" I say stepping forward. I smile evilly towards the King and notice Ally staring towards me in shock. Weren't expecting to see me again were you angel goddess.

"There is going to be a war between us if you carry on screwing up!" I beam as I stare into the Kings now blood red eyes. He begins to grin as he speaks.

"A war you say?" He laughs. Laugh all you like your highness, you won't be laughing when you're at the other end of my blade.

"If it's a war you want, a war you shall get" he says then looks back towards Ally. He's not going to is he? He's not going to do the cliché thing where the girl is the prize is he?

"And she will be the prize!"

And he is..

"What, I'm no prize" Ally says, looking scared. I try to give her a hopeful look but it's too late to back down now. She needs to understand why this is happening.

"Then this is it, the prophecy is coming true" I say under my breath.

"Indeed it is" Adam says, smirking.

I step forward, my scythe alongside me. I look up at Adam and back at Ally and Leo one more time. Ally has a little girl in her arms. It makes me realise the devastating consequences to this war. Many people will suffer from this but it has been decreed and shall not be stopped. This war must happen.

"Adam Bloodbrook, I  Raven Reaper here by decree a war against the supernatural and the gods" I state as confidently as I could when secretly inside I'm devastated.

There was no other way, the war can not be stopped. All I can do is hope the right side wins.

"A war! Are you guys serious!" Ally screams. Oh Ally you don't understand how serious this is going to get.

"I shall see you on the battle field your highness" I say whilst swirling my scythe in the air. Black smoke surrounds us all and I transport us all to the underworld. Ally needs to meet the gods and she's safer here.

Once we were all stood in the underworld, Ally seems to look frantically across the room. Everyone is here, who is she looking for?

"Where's Jenna?" Ally says, looking from corner to corner of the room.

"I'm here!" She says coming up from behind Me.

Right on Que. Jenna, right on que.

Jenna comes up to Ally and slowly takes the little blonde girl out of Ally's arms.
"I'll get her to bed, you have a meeting with the gods" Jenna says. I look at Leo and he gives me a knowing smile which means I could go ahead.

I walk into the old conference room to find all the gods sitting at the table, bickering amongst themselves.
"Silence!" I beam, causing all the gods to look at me.

"Calm down, we do not want the Angel goddess to think she is on the wrong side now do we?" I say, daring anyone to question me. Everyone stays silent. It's amazing how a 16 year old Demi God can make people fear them.
I stand at the head of the table just as Leo walks in with Ally tailing behind him.

Ally gazes m upon the table, noticing all the Gods sitting upon the wooden chairs. It's strange how mortals look at gods, since I was nothing more than a babe I considered these people as normal everyday citizens except with amazing abilities.

"Gods, as you now all know, we are at war with the supernatural" I state just as Ally took her seat next to Leo.

Murmur corrupted around the table. They do know all this, and shouldn't really be interrupting me but I'll allow it considering this is going to be the first war in almost centuries.
"But do not fear, we have many strong gods among us such as Leonardo Hellington the heir to hell, the captain of the heavenly guards, Gabriel the second and most importantly, Charmeine, the Angel goddess of harmony" I state pointing to Leo, Gabriel and Ally.

At that name everyone turns to face Ally. They haven't seen the goddess of harmony in a long time so they must be surprised to see her sitting among us.

"You're Charmeine, Ally. That's the Angel goddesses real name!" I hear Leo whisper to Ally.

Welcome to the family Charmeine, I know it's going to be hard becoming a god but she has such strong powers. And those powers could help aid us in the war.

At that moment in time for the first time in my life, I feel like I am being watched. By whom? I don't know but I feel like I will be seeing them in the near future.

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