Chapter Seventeen ✓

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Chapter Seventeen:

(Edited by: Sara_Lovee1D. Thank you so much :D)

Emberly's POV:

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was beyond that level. I can't believe I apologised with all my heart and he just walked out on me. Like seriously? Who does that? He is so frustrating that he makes me want to rip my hair out. It amazes me how easily he can switch his moods. Here I thought if I apologise, we'd be fine. I seriously need to stop thinking like this. This guy has major issues!

I also knew the fact that he isn't going to come back so I decided to retire for the day, thank goodness for the weekends. A normal person of my age would go out on Friday nights, have a couple of drinks with their friends and chat about how much they hate a specific bitch or a bastard, but for me, I have to keep an eye on my boss to keep him away from trouble.

Yay life.

As I got home, I couldn't help but sigh in delight. It was indeed another stressful week. I changed into my pyjamas and settled down to watch 'Tangled'. Hey, don't judge me, that movie is awesome. I called my dad in between, who as I suspected, was shocked on the sudden treatment given to my mom. My dad knew that I work for Arran but he isn't aware of the contract. I wasn't planning on telling him either. I just don't want him to live under the guilt that I am working so my mom can have a better treatment. He did what he could do and now it's my turn.

I was sniffing when Rapunzel met her mother at the end when my phone vibrated.

Alert: Arran, Club, RUNNN!!!

Shit, I forgot again. No wonder I even typed 'run' in capital letters. Thankfully, I set the alarm half an hour before the event. I had plenty of time to get my butt of the sofa, and get ready to babysit him for the night. Talk about a fun life! - Note the sarcasm.

Hastily, I only managed to find a silver short dress. I quickly slipped it on. The dress stopped an inch before my knees and it had a thin black ribbon around the waist. I slid on black ankle boots, which made my legs look even longer and exposed. I left my hair open in soft curls and wore a black blazer to complete the look. Cherry would be so proud of me.

I grabbed my keys and closed all the windows and doors. Recently there was a burglary around our area and extra precautions wouldn't hurt anyone. I grabbed a matching clutch and put my essentials inside such as keys, money, phone, a small mirror, lip-gloss, mints and a foil of condom. My mom made sure I never leave the house without one; last thing she wants is her only twenty-one year old daughter getting knocked up. Not that I was planning but again precaution.

Luckily I knew where he was going to be tonight so when I got in the car and drove to that place. As I parked my car on the side, I was awestruck by the glitz and glamour of the club. I could see paparazzi flashing their cameras at people going in. That's how Arran manages to appear on the headlines. They will snap him leaving with a new girl every week. I almost felt sorry for him for having no privacy whatsoever. But then again I don't think he really minds. The bouncers had their arms spread around the door protectively not letting the screaming girls in.

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