Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Annabelle's Solution

Almost Three Years Later...

Miles listened to the pompous author of the latest thriller fad spout accolades about himself and endured one of the most boring nights of his life. He wished he was still at his peaceful villa in France. After completing the business of writing Anja, emotional exhaustion and heartbreak had driven him from the country. He'd told his agent he wasn't doing book signings or making appearances, no matter the consequences, and then spent two years in France.

He squirmed in his chair and sighed when the author started espousing his current project. Beside him, Sissy Johansen, co-owner of Imaginings Publishing, whispered, "I feel your pain."

After dinner, while everyone sat in the drawing room of their fellow author's posh home, he berated himself for accepting the invitation and tried to think of a quick escape excuse. His attention was suddenly captured by something Sissy was saying. "One of my best selling authors, Mims Murphy, is pregnant at the age of forty-eight. Can you believe it? I couldn't handle it at twenty-eight! She married the cover model of one of her books—in fact, I was the one who introduced them—and believe me, it wasn't love at first sight. Anyway, since I was in the Denver area a couple of weeks ago, I decided to visit their ranch. Not only is Sage a gorgeous model, he's also a cattle rancher and runs a dude ranch during the summer. They already have twin boys, and I was almost afraid to ask if they were having twins again. Mims said no, but they're over-the-moon about having a girl this time." Sissy looked at Miles. "She told me to tell you hello if we crossed paths. So...hello from Mims."

Miles smiled. "She's one of my favorite people. I'll have to call and congratulate her." He started to excuse himself from the party when Sissy said, "Oh, and Miles, she also said to tell you hello from your former personal assistant in Colorado. She had a strange name...Tuney or Troopy or..."

"Tooty," Miles interjected, his heart banging his ribs.

"Yes, yes. And when I was leaving, Tooty showed up at the ranch, so I got to meet her. Sweet girl."

Miles wanted to clamp his mouth shut, but asked, "Did she have her son, Harris, with her?"

"Oh, yes. He's quite the character. Her other son is, too. He must be about two and he kept her running."

Miles felt the color drain from his face. "Was her husband there?"

"No, I didn't meet Mr. Townsend."

To Miles' relief, the pompous author started another spiel and everyone's attention was directed toward him. Miles didn't even have to calculate months to know the child could be his—probably was his. He felt sick...and angry, and he intended to leave New York immediately to confront Tooty. If the boy was his son, by God, he'd take her to court if need be to have his rights instated.

* * *

Tooty carried Eli to the grassy area she'd had landscaped for just such occasions as this. She'd used the advance money from her poetry collection that was scheduled for release in a few weeks. Now her children had a wonderful area to play and swing and build sand castles in. It was their haven and they spent hours there.

It was also a gathering place for family and friends. Annie Martinez reached for Eli. "I'll take him for awhile, Tooty. He and Angel can play together."

"Thanks, Annie." Tooty started back toward the house to get the chips and dip and snack foods.

"Let me help," said Sarah, and caught up with her. "This was a lovely idea. I'm so happy everyone's hanging out together before the end of summer."

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