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"Your words have so much power. Everyday, if you tell yourself 'I love you,' if you give yourself one word of validation, it will change your mind." - Ashley Graham.

"I'M GETTING SICK and tired of her." Someone said agitatedly as I heard people walk into the restroom.

I froze in place, my hand still on the lock of the stall I was about to open. The voice sounded so familiar but it was taking my brain awhile to place it.

"Me too."

I recognized the voices. It was Bianca and Betty - Brittany's minions. I wondered who they were talking about.

"She's so infuriating. She acts like everybody's beneath her. We are supposed to be friends but-"

"She treats us like we're her puppets." Bianca cut in, completing her sentence. They both let out groans.

Brittany. They were talking about Brittany.
I could have bet that they were standing before the mirror, touching up their makeup as they talked about her. I wondered where their puppet master was, that they were here badmouthing her.

Is it bad mouthing if they are just telling the truth?

I withdrew my hand and stayed still, trying as much as possible to not make any sound. I didn't want to imagine what would happen if I was caught.

"I really hate it but I don't think there's anything we can do about it." Betty said.

"She'd ruin our lives if we try shit. We'd become social pariahs." Bianca commented.

They both visibly cringed. I could tell from the sounds that they made.

"The thought of that freaks me out more than anything."

"I'll keep putting up with her till high school is over to avoid that. I mean I even changed my name to be here. I've come too far to give up now." Bianca sighed.

"But God, I hate her. I hate her so much." She added.

"Me too, girl. Me too."

A few beats passed and I started to fear that they knew I was here until they started to talk again.

"What's her deal with Avery, though? She's trying so hard to befriend her. It's kind of embarrassing."

"Brittany is just scared that Avery will usurp her role as the queen bee. So she's trying to bring her into our circle so that she can put a leash on her, I guess."

I was definitely not wrong about that.

"She's something."

"Avery's really cool though."

"Yeah. And her brother is so hot!" Betty exclaimed.

"Yeah... So damn hot! When he was drinking from a bottle of water during lunch, I was so jealous of the water. I wished I could be it." Bianca said.

I scrunched up my face at her words. How did she even think of that? Betty laughed.

They proceed to start gushing, fawning and fangirling about Alex. I rolled my eyes at that, wondering how long they'd continue to talk for.

When they'd managed to stop fangirling and get their shit together, I heaved a soundless sigh of relief.

"I've always wanted to date a British guy, you know." Bianca sighed.

"Forget this one. Brittany will never let that happen." Betty told her.

"I know, B. I know."

"Let's go before the bitch comes badging in here demanding why we're taking so long." Betty said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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