Chapter - 1 The first Encounter

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*Read the prologue*

                        ~Reyha's POV~

I had just returned home from a long day out with my friends. As I dropped my bag on the floor, I noticed a notification from Avyaan, a guy I barely knew. He had sent me a friend request on social media, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I didn't want to accept it, but then I remembered Riddhi's dare - to accept every friend request that came my way, no matter who it was.

Sighing, I clicked on the accept button as I shrugged and headed towards my balcony, wanting some fresh air after a tiring day. I put on my headphones and started walking along the balcony, admiring the city lights. The music drowned out all my thoughts and it was a peaceful moment. After a while, I went back to my room and got into bed.

                   ~Avyaan's POV~

Finally, she accepted my friend request. I checked her profile but found nothing except a post of the sky and some highlights. I couldn't even see her picture, which was a bummer. I didn't want to text her, afraid that she might think I'm a creep. Days passed and I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I decided to send her a simple 'hi' and see where it goes. I was curious to know more about her, even though I had no idea why. As I typed out the message, my heart was racing. I felt like a teenager with a crush, and it was ridiculous. But before I could hit send, my phone rang, distracting me.


                  ~Few days later~

Reyha sat on the rooftop, her legs dangling over the edge of her couch as she watched the sun slowly dip below the horizon. This was her favorite time of day, when the sky was painted with shades of pink, orange, and purple. She was obsessed with the sky, finding peace and beauty in its ever-changing colors. Her phone rang, interrupting her peaceful moment. It was her best friend Riddhi, and she sounded annoyed.

Reyha answered the call and listened as Riddhi complained about her day and scolded her for not checking her Instagram messages. Reyha sighed and apologized, explaining that she had been busy with her own things. As she hung up the call, she opened her Instagram to check Riddhi's messages.

She replied and even reacted to her latest reel. Just as she was about to close the app, a notification caught her eye. It was a message from someone named Avyaan, commenting on her sunset story and mentioning her obsession with the sky as

Avyaan - Seems like just have time for skies.

Reyha's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she opened the message. Avyaan? She didn't recognize the name. But as she scrolled through the previous message, she realized that he had indeed messaged her a few days ago with a "hi". She had been so busy and caught up in her own world that she hadn't even noticed. Feeling a little nervous, she replied with a simple "hi" and admitted that she did love watching the sky.

Reyha - Yeah I do..
And sorry I wasn't active on Instagram.

To her surprise, Avyaan responded almost immediately, striking that

Avyaan - No big deal.
So, where are you from?" the message read.

Reyha hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. She didn't make a habit of engaging with random people online, but there was something about this message that intrigued her. Shrugging, she decided to give it a shot.

"I'm from Bangalore.

The response came swiftly. "I'm from Mumbai, actually. Nice to meet you!"

Reyha couldn't help but wondered at the friendly tone of the message. She typed out a reply.

"Same here"

Reyha glanced up from her phone, momentarily distracted by the sound of her mom bustling around in the kitchen. She realized with a start that she had been so engrossed in her free time and a small chatt with avyaan that she had lost track of time.

I should probably get going," she typed quickly.

Reyha bid him a fond goodbye, a smile playing on her lips as she set down her phone. There was something about Avyaan that had piqued her interest in a way that few others had. As she made her way to the kitchen to help her mom with dinner, Reyha couldn't help but wonder where this chance encounter might lead.

Little did she know that Avyaan, seated in his apartment in Mumbai, was also replaying their conversation in his mind, a similar sense of intrigue.

                   ~At the late night~

Late at night, Reyha's is curled up in her favorite couch, a well-worn novel open in her lap as she loses herself in the story's enchanting world. The soft glow of her reading lamp casts a warm light over her features, highlighting her pensive expression as she turns the page with a delicate touch.

The room is bathed in a cozy, intimate ambiance, the flickering lamplight casting gentle shadows that dance across the walls. Reyha's breathing slows, her shoulders relaxing as she sinks deeper into the plush cushions of the couch. In this moment, the world beyond her four walls fades away, and she is utterly content.

As she turns another page, while her phone suddenly buzzes on the side table, startling her out of her literary reverie. She glances down at the screen and can't help the heart slightly flutters that as Avyaan's name appears on the screen.

Reyha sets her book aside, her fingers instinctively reaching for the device. Avyaan's playful message appears on the screen, and she can practically hear his warm, enthusiastic voice in her mind. "Are you an early bird?" he asks, the words with a playful emoji.

A soft chuckle escapes Reyha's lips as she reads the message.

Reyha replied with -

"Yeah I am"

So, what got you staying up so late?" Avyaan asked, hoping to keep the conversation going. "Well, I was reading a book," Reyha replied. Avyaan was surprised.

"Oh, you read?" Avyaan asked, his curiosity growing.

"I do. It's late already, I gotta sleep. Bye,"

Reyha said, ending the chatt. Avyaan wished she would have chatted for a little longer. He found himself smiling, thinking about Reyha and her love for books.

Did he just develop a crush on her just by hearing her name from his sister? Without even seeing her? He couldn't shake off the thought of Reyha. He wondered what kind of books she liked, if she had a favorite authors.

As he continued to stare out into the city lights, he made a mental note to strike up a conversation with Reyha the next time they met. He wanted to know more about her, and maybe even want her recommend some of her favorite books to him. Avyaan realized that sometimes, a simple conversation could lead to unexpected connections and feelings. And for him, it all started with a question about her being an early bird.

Avyaan has always been a night owl, his boundless energy and zest for life a stark contrast to Reyha's more introspective nature. Yet, despite their differences, would they devlop a cherished friendship.???


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