Chapter 5

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Alice pov:
When I woke up my room was dark, how late is it? I roll over to get my phone to check, when I slam my hand on the night stand my phone was not there. "Great" I mumble in English.
I didn't move, still too tired to move, the sleepiness haven't worn off yet.

IN. That's his stage name right? Fuck why did I run? Shit. Shit. Shit

I roll over in annoyance and embarrassment. Now they know and they will find me. We work in the same fucking company. He will feel the pull. "FUCK" I yell to my self in Russian.

" Alice get down here. It's already 6:00 . You slept for more then 10 hours. Soon you will die in your sleep"

Aleks yelled at me in Norwegian.


I yell back in the same language.
It's 6 in the morning so I will probly have to go to work in like an hour. Maybe I should take a leave or work from home it's not like I have to work at the company, I just prefer it, mind sett and all.
I walk down the stairs after using 20 minutes to get out of bed. I mean it I have a hate love relationship with the feeling when you wake up after a long sleep.

"I mean it you will die in your sleep. I am willing to beth all my money on it"

Alex said in Russian when I entered the room.

"Hope you are for real cause I'm short on money"
I replied in Norwegian
I'm to tired to speak Russian the only thing I can do in another language now is swear and I'm quite good at that. I take a seat on the barstool and pore some ceriols in my bowl.

"I don't think you should take a leave, it can cause huge consequences if you work at the home and don't get in contact with whoever you bonded"

Alex said not looking up from his own ceriols. Like it's gonne run away or something. I just looked at him before replying.

"I wasn't thinking about it"

I lied. I didn't move my look. He was thinking about something and if it was work related he wouldn't have started this conversation.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

I asked I'm not gonne play a game of ping pong, he will have to tell me and I know there is something.
He sighed.

" I also bonded........."
"Who" I asked faster then lightning.
Guess we are in deeper shit then I thought. If one of us gets caught is one thing but both, that's gonne get chaothig.
"Lee know or Minho. But I prefer pervert, there is something up with him and my ass"
I was walking into the building, I really didn't wanna go to work, but Alex had search up the consequences that happens when you are away from your bonded soulmate for to long so here I was. But at least he cooked for me so I had lunch, I think it was supposed to be dinner for yesterday but I fell a sleep.
The elevator opened and I walked out on the forth floor. I normally worked at the 6th but I have a meeting with a group about a song they apparently didn't like. I didn't like it either but it was there manager who told me how to make it.

No beat drops
No real instruments
And have a song about love,
But don't use the word love this is a villain era album.

He sent me a message where he demanded these things. A villain era song about love without real instruments are possible but won't be good but no beat drop? What going on in this guy's head. Dose demands are unreal. And if you want a hit with these demands you got the wrong producer. I live for beat drops.
When I walk out of the meeting rom I hade a headache. This manager was unbelievable. He not only complain for 20 minutes about how bad the song was but he complained about the things he demanded. Like now he want a beat drop, like come on.
On my way back I dumped into somone and fell on the floor, I was to tired to get up so I just lied down, the headache was killing me.

"Just keep walking, I'm to tired to say sorry, sorry but its not my day today"

I said I'm Korean. While my eyes were closed. I wanna go home, take pain killer and quit this job. I'm to tired to work with managers who demand irresponsible and impossible things and my hearing is always a excuse. Like they hear better and so on.

"We meet again my angel"

I open my eyes in shock and sitt up. You may have mistaken me whit the flash. That's how fast it happend. When my eyes met the same ones that was at the Katjas I cursed is my head. I wouldn't say I had forgotten about the soulmate thing and all I was just to focused about which spell I would curse on the annoying manager to really try to avoid them.

"So you gonne run away again? Or are gonne give me the opportunity to get to know your name and you number?"

He said. He had called me an angel right? Got he sounded like an angel.
God he must be so good to cuddle with and.. Wait what? No no no no no.

"Do you speak Korean?"

He asked in English. Haven't I replied yet, shit, well I'm already caught so I can well replay.

"Yeah, yeah sorry, yeah I speak Korean"

I said standing up, brushing off any bust.

"Great so can I get your name or do you wanna me to keep calling you angel?"


I replied, it's short but what else can I tell him. My life story? No thank you.

--------------------------------------------------------- so I'm back 😁 had a lot of homework and exams and so. I do know that I have some spelling errors and I will try to not make them or fiks them if I have time. But try to read with them. You can also send in ideas or tell me what you think about the book.
I know this chapter may be boring but soon it will get better, hopefully😋

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