2.2| punishment

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edwin widened his eyes when he realized he is in a completely different place and his friends are nowhere to be seen. he looks around to see that he is in some sort of room and he sees a king sized bed. edwin turns his head to see the cat king "so, what should your pusishment be?" cat king asks with hint of amusement.

"where did charles go?" edwin asks politely. he was worried that his friend might be anxious since he's gone "charles? ooh. do you two have a special friendship?" cat king walk towards his makeshift bed. edwin smoothes out his jacket and stare cat king down. "we are best friends, if you must know."

"oh and what about the girl? winnie isn't it, you call her? is she your friend too?" cat king shows his set of teeth. edwin's mind shifted to winnie's face. her annoying smile and laugh. edwin shakes his head. "no. she's not my friend. she is merely a girl who can't leave us alone."

cat king only chuckles and shakes his head "oh wow, okay. you don't have to do all that." cat king gestures to edwin. "this is a safe space. my kingdom is all about want and pleasure." he smirks.

edwin clears his throat before glaring at him " you're threatening to punish me." you could hear the hint of authority in edwin voice that he tries to put up. cat king smiles lazily "well, they're not mutually exclusive."

edwin blinks a few times before smiling nervously "can we clear up this magic leash business? i don't see the harm in one little spell." edwin raises his eyes to see that cat king are already staring at him with an expression that he couldn't recognize. "you are so oddly handsome. you fascinate me." cat king whispers as he stares at edwin.

edwin's smile faded. he did not expect that. suddenly, the cat king burned the same way when he was a cat before he transformed. he appears to have change his clothing. the cat king are now shirtless with a furry robe. edwin gasps as he looks at his new appearance.

the cat king motion closer towards edwin, playing with a string of his robe. he stands closer to edwin and studies his face. edwin gulps nervously but stares into his eyes. "i am fascinated by you." he whispers as his face is inches away from edwin.

edwin closes his eyes since he doesn't know what to do in this situation. the cat king breathe softly in his ears and his hand stroke edwin's arms. suddenly, edwin felt a pressure on his wrist and his soul felt trapped in some way.

he looks over his wrist to see some kind of gold bracelet with the head of a cat. he raises his wrist to inspect the bracelet "what the bloody hell is this?" the cat king chuckle softly as he looks at his face "oh, that? well, it's your punishment. it's a caging spell." he says mockingly. he advances towards his bed.

"it keeps you, in this town. my kingdom." he sits on his bed lazily and comfortably. he chuckles "you can't leave. not in a car, not in a boat, not in a plane, not in a train, and definitely, definitely, not through a mirror. you little ghosts are so tricky." he pouts mockingly as he points at edwin.

"unaccaptable. kindly remove it. we cannot stay here, it is dangerous." the boy said with a glare. the cat king clicks his tongue and lean his head back a little "oh, edwin. what was it that you just said to me? 'i don't see the harm in one little spell'." he chuckles as he looks at edwin's expression.

"look, it comes right off as soon as you, make me happy." he smiles suspiciously and edwin raises his eyebrows "and what would make you happy?"

"well, i'm fairly sure we can figure something out." edwin slowly steps back warily, ready to attack if he needed to. cat king smile instantly drop when he see edwin steping away "but i can see that has offended your old-fashioned sensibilities."

edwin keeps his eyes on cat king as he covers himself properly with the robe. the cat king walks slowly towards him "look, i'm a fair and consensual cat king. so i'll give you another option. count all the cats in port townsend and then the bracelet will come off."

the boy frowns at his words "count all the cats in port townsend..?" then, he gasps as he feels his head spinning. "edwin!" he turns his head to the voice which belongs to charles.

"are you alright, mate? where have you been?" edwin frowns in confusion. "i've only been gone for a few moments." charles and winnie looks at each other before shaking their heads. "no, mate, you've been gone for literal hours."

"it's only a few rounds of charade, but yeah we were worried about you." winnie smiles mischievously but she drops her smile when edwin still looks confused. he looks pretty shaken up.

"um, what is that on your wrist?" crystal asks suspiciously. edwin raises his hand to look at the bracelet. looks like they will need to stay for another few days.



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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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