part 11

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I am sorry army for not updating the story I was really busy.i hope you forgive me.

Jin's pov

Everything began to collapse.we all run for our life.

Namjoon:is everyone alright

Tae:yeah but where is jin hyung and Y/n


Hobi: oh shit what happened to Y/n

Jin:I don't know.i only see that she is lying in there

Yoongi:but you two were a team

Jin:but we got separated.when everything began to collapse.i can't see her because of the dust.

Jimin:it's ok everyone is safe that is important

Slowly she began to open her eyes

Jk:Y/n are you ok

Y/n:I.... I.. I am fine jk

Yoongi: thank God

Y/n:jin hyung where is that diary

Jin: yeah here you go

Y/n's pov

I take that book from jin look like a diary.but something is wrong.does anyone write there name in front of a diary


I look into there eyes.We all were looking in to jk

Jk: why are you guys looking me like that

When I began to turn the pages I found a paper.i read that loud

Y/n:the greatest artist Jeon somi died in 1997 September 1. By car accident some of them are telling that she was killed by a man .the car and body is still missing.police is searching for her body

When I done reading everyone is looking at jk

Jk: guys this must be a coincidence

Y/n:no this is not coincidence jk

Jimin: guys look at her death date isn't the same of jk's date of birth

Tae: yeah jiminssi is right

Hobi:so the ghost want something from jk

Yoongi:Y/n didn't you told me that jk played some kind of game and he tricked by someone

Y/n: yeah

Yoongi:maybe that girl want something thing from jk

Jimin: yeah yoongi is right

Jin: Y/n take that book and read it I want to know what that freaking ghost want from my jk.

Hy army are you good see you guys in next part ❤️

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