2 | ✩Birthday✩

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08/27/1993                                                                                                                                 7:32am 

Dear Diary,

My birthday is finally here (more like Astoria's). I'm not too excited for today, since every year is just the same. The only good thing is that this time I'm finally allowed to invite a friend and of course I'd always pick Quinny (Aunt Quinn), unlike the years before, it was always only the four of us, so it wasn't that memorable.

On second thought, it kinda is since basically after my birthday Quinny would always make a small celebration for me at her house, just the two of us. I would blow out my own candle on the cake Quinny baked for me without Astoria's breath spraying over the whole cake, poor cake. And even open my gifts without her criticizing what I got. No one knows about these little celebrations that we make. Only the two of us. I enjoy her company, and today we didn't have to hide the fun to ourselves.

"ASTORIA! Y/N!" Mum called.
I quickly locked my diary, hid it, and threw on a random dress at the back of my closet, I didn't even have enough time to fix my hair, so I just left it down.

I went out of my room thinking that Mum just needed me to help her find something. As soon as I closed the door behind me, Astoria's door was wide open (Her room is only across Y/n's) and I saw her dramatically posing in front of her mirror wearing an overly laced dress. I silently giggled at the sight.

"What. Are. You. Wearing?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"PISS OFF!" she yelled and shut the door in my face.

Wow, that was rude. I was just asking...well more of judging, but still asking.

"ASTORIA!!! Y/N!!!" Mum called even louder this time

 As I was walking down the stairs, increasing my speed, I heard Astoria running down the hall behind me and she aggressively pushed me aside.

"Yes Mother?" she complacently answered.

 I could've lost my balance and fallen down the stairs but thankfully I immediately got a hold of the railings. "EXCUSE YOU!!" I snapped. I don't usually snap like that since I knew I'd be wasting time if I did. But on my birthday?! I'm not letting that pass.

"Oops sorry, it was a total accident." she 'apologized' with sarcasm dripping from her expression.

"You know it wasn't!"

"Now now girls stop fighting." Mum started

"Mom! It was really an accident." Astoria defended putting stress on each word.

"I know, I know, and accidents happen. Y/n."

"hmm?" I looked at her.

"Say sorry to your sister."

"What?! Why?!" I complained but she gave me a 'just-say-it' glare.

I swallowed back my words and looked at Astoria with pride smeared all over her face. "I'm sorry Astoria."

"See? That wasn't so hard. Now come along." Mum called.

"I'm sorry you don't have basic human decency." I thought as I defeatedly looked at her annoying face.

We were following Mum when suddenly we heard the doorbell ring.

I felt the corners of my lips slowly tugging into a smile as soon as I heard it.

"Wait here," Mum instructed as she walked towards the door. She swung the door wide open and I saw Quinny. I grinned at her and she grinned back then lowly waved at me. Mum signaled us to come. She held out her hand to guide us and the other placed on Astoria's back who somewhat tripped on her dress. Quinny and I snickered behind them, then continued walking.

We arrived at the garden of the manor. And I eyed that it was covered in all blue decorations, with her friends and classmates scattered around. It was truly breathtaking, but I knew that it was mostly for Astoria.

This is my first time seeing this many people in real life before, since I don't go out, and when I do I only go to Quinny's house which is also a part of our manor. My father gave it to her for free when I was 4 on one condition, Me being her responsibility from now on. I understood how hard it was to take care of someone, so I didn't give her much trouble.

Anyhow, I noticed that everyone was wearing blue, and I was the only one in yellow. "Oh my gosh, what was I thinking!?!"  I couldn't help but look down and feel embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I fiddled with my fingers to distract myself from my emotions when I heard Quinny call. I looked up to see her already comfortable in her seat, as she patted the chair beside her and adjusted it closer to her. I smiled softly and walked towards her.

I sat down when a voice abruptly talked upfront, It was Father. "Welcome guests! We are here today to celebrate a special day for my daughterrrr...s." I thought right then and there that he had forgotten I existed. After a quite boring announcement, he spoke again. "Now, let's call up our girls shall we?" "I'm not going the bloody hell up there!!"  I thought in panic.

Quinny put her hand on my shoulder and then guided me towards the front. I really didn't want to!! But I had no choice, I was already halfway there. I suddenly had the strong urge to just run back to my room, but it'd be even more embarrassing if everyone saw me run away.

Astoria was walking beside me, and that made me quite relieved about myself since I wasn't the one struggling to walk in that dress. She could barely fit in the walkway and kept bumping into the people seated at the side. It was fun to watch. ( ≖‿ ≖ )

When we were finally there, We were instructed to sit together on the bench, but because of Astoria's unnecessarily big dress, she took up all the space, hence which left me standing awkwardly. I didn't like being looked at, and that many people!? I just wanted to evaporate, or be deleted from the earth, JUST SOMETHING!!

Thankfully Quinny quickly got me a small stool. She pointed her wand at it, "Morfi Decorarem." She said, and it turned into a beautiful throne-like chair covered in yellow Marigolds. "Thank you." I mouthed, she returned a nod of assurement.


After the party, people were leaving saying their goodbyes to Astoria since most of them were her friends. And that left me tidying up the mess with the servants. "Carpe Retractum," I said removing the decorations from the trees. While I was occupied with my task, My concentration was broken by a flash of platinum blonde hair from the corner of my eye.

I locked eyes with the boy standing behind who I assumed was his parents talking to my parents.
He raised his eyebrows at me which made me lose my concentration on my wand, and that made the decoration from the tree fall on me. He chuckled at the sight of me, but it soon disappeared when his Father hit his arm with his cane. "Come on Draco." His Father said, and then they left. "Draco huh?"

This is their first time seeing and interacting with each other WDNKBHRHWFKDNSKBRHWDKNJKB


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