Chapter Twenty-Four

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Mama Lena's braid had gotten mussed and tangled from my fingers sliding through it, so I captured the braid and pulled her hair loose. She watched me fan it out around us in a shimmering curtain, a soft smile on her lips. Those crystalline blue eyes focused down upon me, and I smiled shyly back.

She pulled back only long enough to strip off whatever clothing had been left on her frame. It went flying, no cares at all, and I loved this. It was breaking one of Dahlia's rules, and it was exhilarating.

Mama Lena fell back upon me, her wavy hair falling, and I reached for her. We shared a passionate kiss, and her kisses began to trail downward. My eyes rolled back with pleasure, and I savored every kiss.

She slid a hand down my side and lifted my left leg, and then her kisses pulled away. When I looked, I could see her positioning herself. She picked up my leg and laid it over her shoulder, then pressed her slick sex deeply against mine, throwing one of her legs over my hip.

This closeness made me draw in a sharp breath.

"Look into my eyes, that's it. Good girl," She took a hold of both of my hands, and said, "Now. Dance those hips against mine."

I squeezed her hands and began to grind and sway my hips. I shuddered again and let out a long breath that became a loud moan of ecstasy. Feeling her slick sex against mine sliding back and forth was the deepest most intimate thing. I wasn't moaning—soon, I was screaming.

Mama Lena was groaning, calling out encouragement. "That's it, my good girl, keep going. Keep dancing. Feel us together." She leaned back, thrusting her hips against me, and soon our hips were bucking in rhythm together, slapping noisily, our noises coming sharp and harsh.

"Mama Lena, it feels so good!" I gasped.

"It does, doesn't it? It feels right." Her voice was dusky with pleasure. Her groans made me shiver with joy. She slapped against me, and soon words were failing us. The only language that was useful were that of pleasure.

I stared into her crystalline blue eyes, watching her dance against me. This was such an intimate position—I realized that she had been wanting to share it only with me. It could not possibly be given to me by anyone else but her. I beamed at her. I wanted her ecstasy before mine, to feel her swollen clit throb against me.

"Mama Lena," I groaned. "Please, please cum for me?"

This tore a surprising groan and a shudder from her body, and her head threw back, her hair shimmering in the low light. I could feel her hips thrusting harder, sliding against me desperately, and when I begged her for more, suddenly I could feel that orgasm tear through her and she screamed out my name.

I held her tightly, feeling her bucking—and squeezed her hands supportively. She leaned her head in against my leg still thrown over her shoulder, and pressed soft, warm kisses along my calf, still grinding her hips against me.

I could feel her body shuddering with pleasure. I adored her. I felt myself falling deeply in love.

She caught me with those sharp blue eyes, and smiled. "Let's keep going, little swan. I want to feel you cum again. Against me. Every orgasm you have, I own. I wish to own another."

"Mama Lena," I moaned. "Every ounce of my pleasure is yours."

She kissed my ankle. "Sweet little swan." She swayed her hips, circulating, and I met her hips with sharp little bucks of my own. "You mustn't stop," she encouraged me.

"I won't!" I gasped.

"Do you understand why Dahlia was forbidden from teaching you this position?"

I could only nod, never daring to break eye contact.

"This is position is only for you and I. Not even your slaves may pleasure you this way, and they know it." She gave me a serious look, sliding against me slowly, meaningfully. "Do you feel me? Do you feel us?"

I nodded, biting my bottom lip.

"Feel us. Feel me against you. I am marking you as mine." She thrust slowly, kissing my calf. "This is carnal. This is right."

I nodded, and shuddered happily. "Yes, yes yes yes!"

"Don't you love this? I will mark you as mine as many times as you like."

"I want you to mark me as yours as many times as you're able," I said, thrusting up and against her, feeling my pleasure rising ever higher. "I want to feel you against me like this every night."

"What a capital idea," she said duskily. "Now. Cum for Mama."

My back arched and my hips bucked even faster. I had to please her. I lived for that special "good girl" that was mine to keep at the end.

And when we lay against each other afterward, sweating and breathing hard, shivering, she held me closely and nuzzled close, and in my ear she murmured, "My good girl."

And that alone was more pleasure than ever I had felt before.

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