Prologue: Seen children

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When a child turns six there is a chance, a very slim one, that it could become one of the seen children.

The seen children are children picked by a god or a goddess to be their descendants. In order to fulfill their role The God parents gift them a special gift. Seen children are representatives of their godhood. With that gift they lose all their memories from before, therefore getting separated from their parents and are transported to the church.

The seen children hold special power and are very valuable "goods". Many children are for that reason taken, or rather say kidnapped, from church so they fulfill the wishes of awful people.
In other words many seen children live awful lives instead of a blessed one because of this gift.

The gods are very respected. They have many children because a lot of them go in some sort of insanity, go berserk or get kidnapped. The gods are not immortal, they live until they are completely forgotten. The last god to have been forgotten is.... forgotten. No one knows who it was.

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