❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 52 ❀

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After attending the call jin said "I need to go.... everything will be fine don't worry"

Yoongi nodded as Jin left. After Jin departed, Yoongi sighed heavily, his thoughts consumed by Jungkook. Memories flooded back, reminding him of his own struggles. "Jungkook... the same thing happened to me,too" he murmured inwardly, bitterness lacing his words. "But no one was there for me... I'm doing my best to coax you, yet no one comforted me except Jin hyung." A bitter chuckle escaped him as he reminisced about the past, the weight of his emotions heavy upon him.

As memories of his past flooded his mind, tears welled up in Yoongi's eyes, tracing silent paths down his cheeks. Before he knew it, he was overcome with emotion, his tears turning into sobs that wracked his entire body.

Meanwhile with jungkook-

He went to his shared room and laid on his bed. He was in deep thoughts thinking whether he should forgive his brothers or not. He wanted to forgive them but then he felt they don't love him so they wouldn't even care if he forgives them or not. But then again he thought why yoongi would do all the hardwork to make it up with him. He was having mixed feelings.

Jimin and tae looked at him with sad eyes. They wanted to talk with him but the younger wouldn't stop ignoring them. Jimin felt more bad. He balmed himself for all this. He felt if didn't he got asthma attack this wouldn't happen. Now who will make him understand that this is something which no one can control. Neither he is wrong nor jungkook is wrong for reacting like this. Every individual is different so their way of reacting to things is also different. They were simply the victim of circumstances.

Just then jungkook got a call. He picked it up and walked to the backyard to not distrub jimin amd and tae.

"Yes beomgyu" asked jungkook to his friend who was on the other side of the call. "What yes beomgyu....tell me what happened to you" asked his friend in curiosity and worry.

Beomgyu, Jungkook's longtime best friend, couldn't ignore the noticeable change in Jungkook's demeanor at school. His usually talkative and lively friend had become unusually quiet. Concerned, Beomgyu approached Jungkook and asked him what was wrong. Jungkook, unable to divulge everything in the moment, promised to explain later at home. Now, Beomgyu called him, eager to understand the source of his friend's troubles.

Jungkook's sigh carried the weight of his disappointment and hurt as he recounted the events. He shared the raw emotions of being left alone, without a single family member in the audience to witness his performance. The pain of their absence echoed in his voice as he admitted to shutting himself off from them. Despite Yoongi's earnest attempts to mend the rift, Jungkook's heart remained stubbornly closed to the idea of forgiveness, the wounds too fresh to heal.

After listening to everything, beomgyu from the other side said "jungkook....you should be happy that at least your brothers regret not being able to come to your performance" he chuckled sadly and continued "my family....you know..they never came to a single thing in school be it a competition, performance Ptm or anything....their work is always their first priority....your brother took leave from work to see you performance my family....they...they never take leave from their work even when I get sick and ask them to stay with me ...I have to handle my sickness alone. You're truly blessed to have such caring brothers, Jungkook. They would have been there if Jimin hyung hadn't fallen ill.....Try to understand their perspective," he urged, his words infused with a heartfelt attempt to console his friend.

Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes, his heart heavy with newfound understanding and guilt. He had never realized the depth of Beomgyu's struggles until now. Silent for a moment, he let Beomgyu's words sink in, each one carrying the weight of truth and compassion. "You're right, Beomgyu," he finally whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I was being childish. My brothers love me deeply... and what happened to Jimin hyung was beyond anyone's control." His admission was laced with regret. "They would have been there for me if Jimin hyung hadn't fallen ill and moreover my performance is not important than my jimin hyung's health.. he is more important..... I was foolish not to see that sooner... Yoongi hyung did so much for me and I didn't even acknowledge it." The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, a silent acknowledgment of his own shortcomings.

𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 // 𝑩𝑻𝑺 ✯♡❀Where stories live. Discover now