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zamyrah Elyse Anderson | age: 22
Houston, TX

"myrah u wanna go to the beach today, its hot as fuck outside" keiarah said as i did her nails

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"myrah u wanna go to the beach today, its hot as fuck outside" keiarah said as i did her nails

"yeah, i got 2 more clients and then we can go" i said as i applied some charms to her nails

"ok ima ask the boys to come with us cause they ain't doing shit" she said putting her hand in the dryer thingy

"mkay" i said getting my phone so i can take pictures once her nails finish drying

after i finished taking pictures i had grabbed some disinfecting wipes since my next client was right after keiarah

"heyy" my client said as i continued to clean my lil desk

"heyy, u can sit right here" i said as i gave her the remote so she can watch tv or play music

once she sat down i grabbed me some more gloves so i can put them on while i do her nails

about 3 hours later i finished doing all of my clients nails and i was ready to go to the beach with keiarah nem

"girl come on" keiarah said as i grabbed myself a towel and my purse

we got inna car and then drove to jd house since he ain't have a ride, 15 minutes later we had finally made it

nun of them niggas had on swimsuits jd had on some gray shorts with a white t-shirt, keveyon had on some black shorts with white t-shirt, n enzo had on some red shorts with a white t-shirt

"i guess they tryna be twins onna low"keiarah said making me laugh

"fuck up yo ass always hating n shit, u look like a mafuckin bright pink ass highlighter" keveyon said

"boy please" she said as we walked to the water

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Chyna Deunah Moore | age: 23
Houston, TX

Chyna Deunah Moore | age: 23Houston, TX

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"murk where symir bag at" i said

me, murk, symir, kylah, and tmac was going to the beach today since we was out of town for kylahs birthday

"its onna bed n i got him dressed while u went downstairs wit kylah" murk said

"ok come on cause after this me n kylah going to this club" i said to murk

about 30 minutes later we had left and made it to the beach, symir had got in the water while i sat down and watched him

i heard this group of people laughing loud as hell which made me look over and see some white people playing football and on the other side of me it was 3 fine niggas with 2 girls

one of em seen me looking which made me hurry up and look away, some minutes later one of them came over to where i was

he was brownskin with braces and he was tall as fuckk, he told me his name was jd

he invited me to hang out with them n of course i said yes cause why not, i can have me some people to talk to when i come back out here

i told murk n tmac that i would be back n they nodded, once i got over there i seen the 2 girls face n one of them looked familiar

"u look familiar" i said and she looked nervous

"but hey yall my name chyna, whats yalls" i asked

"you already know my shit" jd said

i kept looking at the myrah girl cause she just looked so familiar and her voice sounded familiar too, and i finally figured it out

"u deadass" i said cutting off jd from talking as i looked at zaniah

"i thought you was dead but whole time you alive, you know how long Ive been grieving over you" i said getting closer to her

"can we talk about this privately" she said

"yes we actually can cause why would u do this to me, symir and everyone else" i said as me and her walked off

"chyna i didn't mean to leave you like that, i just needed a fresh start from all my problems" she said

"i was gone tell you but i just didn't know how to" she said

"zaniah do you know how much it hurted me when they told me that you was gone and im still grieving til this day, well not nomo now that i know that your alive and u lied to me" i said wiping my tears

"i mean im happy to see you but i just can't get over how u lied to me for a whole fucking 2 years" i said as i cried

"chyna im sorry but i just needed a fresh start i didn't mean to leave you or symir at all, i really wanted to reach out to you but i just couldn't for my safety and yours, i had money on my head cause of bando and they still wanna hurt me" she said making me raise my eyebrow

"murk and tmac nem could've handled that shit zaniah, and they killed bando why would they still be looking for you"i asked

"cause he killed mir while i was still with him and they thought i set him up so now they after me, but fuck that i need to know if you forgive me for everything cause ive missed my bestie" she said genuinely

"yes i forgive you but don't do that stupid ass shit no the fuck mo hell i been lonely for 2 years" i said making her let out a laugh and give me a hug

we walked back over to everyone and had a normal conversation and i let zaniah meet symir and they get along so good, i had invited zaniah to come with us to the club and she agreed to come

about 15 minutes later we left the beach and i went to my hotel so i could change and zaniah went home, some hours later we had went to the club





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