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Chapter 331: "Breaking Dawn" Is Online

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Jian Tan did not reach out to take the ceil phone from Xia Wei. He just looked at his girlfriend thoughtfully. After a long while, he pretended to be calm and said, "Who said 1 wanted to check your cell phone? 1 was just asking out of curiosity."

He smiled lightly after saying that, but he did not hide his "stinginess" on his face. He met Xia Wei's playful gaze and continued to ask with a smile, "So how are your results for the past few hours? You're online so late. Everyone should be asleep, right?"

Xia Wei was also well aware of the benefits of quitting while she was ahead. She did not continue to tease Jian Tan and only shook her head with a smile, indicating that she did not know either. This was because Wang Ming and He Shi had yet to give her feedback on how much traffic "Breaking Dawn" had gathered after being aired tonight!

Naturally, He Shi and Wang Ming did not know about her private conversation with Jian Tan along the way.

In fact, Great Manager Wang and the genius producer, Teacher He Shi, were so excited that they could not fall asleep in the latter half of the night. This was because the latest single, "Breaking Dawn", sung by Xia Wei, suddenly exploded in the entire music industry!

At 12:15 pm, Xia Wei and the single "Breaking Dawn" trending post reached the top of the trending list:

[Trending! Xia Wei's "Breaking Dawn"!]

[Xia Wei's first single—"Breaking Dawn" is online!]

["Breaking Dawn" sounds good!]

[Xia Wei's heavenly voice!]

Following these trending posts about Xia Wei was the important news that Fang Kai's single, "Diablossom", was released!

The netizens did not know if this was a coincidence or if the two of them did it on purpose.

Xia Wei and the King of Songs, Fang Kai, had each released a brand new single around two hours on the same day, which was at 10 p.m. and 8 p.m. tonight.

It was as if they were going to fight in an arena. As soon as these two singles were released, they attracted the attention of many netizens and professional critics in the music industry. The popularity of the songs naturally rose, but following that, there were also many discordant voices!

This kind of "sound" was mainly targeted at Xia Wei.

[1 keep feeling that Xia Wei's 'hand' is really too long now! She introduced herself to the outside world as an actress, but after so many years, she didn't have a single representative work. She's on variety shows and trending lists, but she's always doing those lousy things. Now, she even wants to interfere in singing. Who does she think she is!]

['Don't bite off more than you can chew'. This is a principle that even my three-year-old niece understands. 1 don't know why Xia Wei, this old auntie, can't understand it!]

[Actually, 1 don't really want to defame Xia Wei. 1 just want to ask her what she wants to do. If you want to film, then act well. Don't do so many messy things all day long. It's not impossible to be a variety star. Anyway, no one will say anything about you. But aren't you a little too ambitious to try acting, variety shows, and singing at the same time? 1 can't understand!]

[Xia Wei specially chose to release her single today. Is she trying to ride on the popularity of the seniors in the industry again? Heh, she's really a newbie who often uses tricks! How disgusting. She doesn't even let the King of Songs, Teacher Fang Kai, off!]

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