𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐳

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AFTER THEIR KISS, the world around Paige and Nailea seemed to slow down, the intensity of the moment enveloping them in a bubble where time and space were momentarily suspended. They gradually pulled apart, their foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breaths, hearts pounding in their chests. The moment however was shattered by the shrill ring of Paige's phone. Nailea watched, her smile unwavering, as Paige answered with a sigh.

"What, Azzi?" Paige's voice was half-exasperated, half-amused as she listened to the tirade on the other end of the line.

Azzi's voice, muffled but undeniably loud even through the phone, scolded Paige for the umpteenth time. "You've got my hoodie again, Paige! Seriously, give it back!"

Paige just shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips, her eyes still locked with Nailea's. Even Azzi's frustration couldn't dull the glow of her happiness. "Okay, okay, I'm coming back now," Paige assured her before ending the call.

"I've got to go," Paige said, reluctantly peeling her gaze away from Nailea as they both walked to the door.

Nailea chuckled, her own voice light and teasing. "See you, Paige."

But as Nailea moved to close the door, Paige impulsively stopped it with her hand, pushing it open again. Nailea looked at the girl, a mix of surprise and curiosity in her face.

Without a word, Paige stepped back in, pulled Nailea close, and kissed her once more— already missing the warmth of the girls lips. "Okay, now I'll go," Paige said, her voice playful as she darted away, rushing back to her and Azzi's dorm with a new spring in her step.

A short while later, Nika trudged into the room, her energy spent, her body slumping onto her bed with a dramatic groan. "Where have you been?" Nailea asked, her curiosity piqued by Nika's exhausted state.

Nika lifted her head, her voice a whine of playful complaint. "KK wanted to go out shopping. And you know when you go out shopping with KK, you're not just doing shopping. You gotta get food, then you're wandering around, window shopping UGH my feet are killing me."

Nailea's laughter filled the room, a musical sound that made Nika's fatigue seem a little lighter. In response, Nika's arm swung, sending a pillow flying across the room to hit Nailea square in the face. "Bullseye" Nika declared triumphantly.

Nailea, feigning indignation, showed Nika the finger before lobbing the pillow back at her. "How was your day then?" Nika prodded, her voice laced with curiosity.

Nailea's cheeks flushed a warm shade of pink, the memories of the day with Paige flooding back. "Just hung out with Paige, you know," she tried to say casually, but her voice pitched high, betraying her.

Nika's smirk grew wider; she sensed there was more to the story. "Oh yeah? And what did you and Paige do?" she asked, her suspicion clear.

"We went to Target," Nailea answered hastily, internally cringing at her own awkwardness.

"Ok, Miss Devora," Nika teased, picking up on the very vibe Nailea was trying to downplay.

"Nika, I swear if you don't shut up!" Nailea whined, burying her face into her pillow as if hoping it would swallow her embarrassment.

Nika's cackle echoed in the room, a sound of pure amusement at Nailea's expense. As the evening wore on, the two girls chatted about everything and nothing, their laughter and teasing words a comfortable blanket until sleep claimed them both, their whispers fading into dreams.


The next day, the team gathered at the big house, a place that had become their unofficial hangout. Laughter and excited chatter filled the air as they made their way to the movie room, a cozy enclave decked out with comfortable sofas and a large screen, perfect for team bonding over a good film.

𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 • Paige Bueckers Where stories live. Discover now