soothing 2

73 3 0

They finished eating yn took their plates



She went in the kitchen he followed her she went to wash her dishes he moved her

Zay-"I got it"

Y-"got what watch out"

Zay-"nah I got it u cooked already"


Zay-"so somebody else cleans"

Cam came in

Cam-"aww Mimi she was about to wash dishes"

Naomi ran in and death stared yn she put her head down and backed up

Y-"I'm sorry"

Naomi-"I wish u would"

Y-"u got it"

Naomi-"u want me beat cho butt"


Naomi-"act right"


Naomi looked her up and down and walked off

Cam-"aww u bad"

They laughed cam went back to sit down zay washed the dishes yn gave him company Naomi came back in

Naomi-*whispers diamond just came in

Y-*smacks teeth for what

Naomi-"idk she just showed up"

Y-"ok thank u for letting me know'

Naomi-"of course"

She left back out

Zay-"who's diamond'

Y-"she was an old addition to our group but got fake before we went to college and wants to be in our lives again'


He finished and turned the water off with a little groan

Y-"what's wrong"

Zay-"my back kind of hurts"

Y-"u want a Tylenol'

Zay-"if u have some please'

Y-"yeah I got u go ahead and sit down I parked in the back'

Zay-"ok thank u'

Y-"of course babes"

She went to her car zay went and sat down yn searched her whole car and couldn't find it

Y-*smacks teeth wth

She looked in the trunk


She grabbed the bottle of wine and went in going to the living room

Y-"I used it all last week for my cramps I'm sorry"

Zay-"it's ok thank u tho"

Y-"uh huh cam I got u some wine"

Cam-*small gasp

He got up and helped himself

Y-"u want a massage I can give u a massage"

She put her keys down

Y-"oh hi diamond I didn't see u"


Yn sat behind zay

Zay-"I can sign on the floor"

Y-"no boy your back already hurt"

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now