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After Fred's heartfelt confession, a subtle yet undeniable shift occurred in their relationship. Far from making things awkward between them, Fred's openness about his feelings seemed to draw Ava closer, erasing any distance that had formed during their years apart. His sincerity acted as a bridge, allowing her to cautiously navigate her feelings, feelings that had lain dormant under the weight of past heartbreak.

Fred, for his part, was more expressive than ever. He wore his heart on his sleeve, sharing his affection for Ava in ways that were both grand and understated. From morning greetings that came with a warmth Ava could almost physically feel to the way he'd look at her across a room full of guests, as if she were the only person in it. His charm, a mix of earnest vulnerability and light-hearted jest, was impossible for Ava to resist.

She found herself increasingly drawn to him, his presence a comforting constant in the whirlwind of managing the Snowdrift Cabin. The awkwardness she might have expected to feel in the wake of his confession never materialized. Instead, Ava found laughter and ease, a testament to the deep-rooted bond they shared. Fred's charm, which she had once known from afar, now unfolded before her in daily vignettes that left her both amused and endeared.

As the quiet days of early-April settled over Snowdrift Cabin, Fred noticed the constant hustle that Ava poured into managing her cabin and patisserie shop. Seeing her dedication, he thought it was time for her to take a break and enjoy a day out. During dinner, amidst the cozy ambiance of the cabin with the soft hum of conversation in the background, Fred saw his chance to bring up the idea.

"Hey, Ava," Fred began, trying to sound as casual as possible. "I've been thinking, you've been working non-stop around here. How about we take a day off? Just for some fun, you know?"

Ava, slightly surprised by the suggestion. "Like a date?" 

"Well, it's not exactly a date," Fred said quickly, wanting to ease any pressure. "Just two friends hanging out. I was thinking about heading over to Alyeska Resort. Have you been there recently?"

Ava's expression shifted from surprise to curiosity. "Alyeska Resort, huh?" she mused, a hint of excitement in her voice. "I haven't been there in ages, actually. It sounds like a refreshing change of pace."

Fred nodded, encouraged by her laughter. "Great! Alyeska it is then. They have the tram ride, you know, with the amazing view at the top. It's been on my list since I got here. Plus, I've heard the weather's going to be great tomorrow. What do you say?"

"Sounds like a plan," Ava agreed, a smile blossoming on her face. "It's been so long since I've done something like this...just for fun."

Fred's heart warmed at her smile. "Perfect! It's a date—uh, I mean, a day out!" he corrected himself quickly, chuckling at his own slip-up.

Ava laughed, the sound light and easy. "A day out it is, then. Thank you, Fred. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Let's meet up after breakfast then. It'll be a day for the books," Fred said with a grin, already looking forward to their day out.

As dinner came to a close, Ava found herself genuinely excited for the next day. It was a welcome change from her daily routine, and she appreciated Fred's thoughtfulness. His companionship had become a comforting presence in her life, and the prospect of spending a day together was something she looked forward to with an unexpected warmth in her heart.

Fred and Ava stood at the base of Alyeska Resort, decked out in their skiing attire. Fred wore a sleek, dark jacket that accentuated his tall frame, paired with vibrant red ski pants that added a pop of color to his look. Ava, on the other hand, was dressed in a figure-hugging, bright blue ski suit that complemented her lively spirit, her hair tucked under a stylish, fur-lined hat. They both looked effortlessly good, blending athleticism with a touch of style, ready to take on the slopes.

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