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The organizer knew who Rong Yi was, but was not entirely sure because they had never met him before. "Do you know him? He rarely shows up, right?"

"He seems to have a fear of cameras, but he's fine appearing in public normally. I've seen him once or twice before when I was in logistics at RS," said the assistant.

The assistant became a little uncertain when asked if it was really him who appeared at the event. "But he really has no reason to be here, maybe it's just someone who looks like him?"

"Does Yin Shen know him?" The organizer asked curiously, looking at Xiaoyin.

Xiaoyin suddenly asked, "Fear of cameras?"

The assistant hesitated for a moment and didn't know how to refuse, as it involved another contestant's privacy.

Xiao Yin quickly realized this and said, "It's okay, you don't have to say anything."

His attitude was calm and distant, yet gentle enough. The assistant suddenly remembered the media's description of him as "a rational player from head to toe, with computing power close to AI." Compared to his computing power in the game, he was more like an unfeeling and desireless AI, perfect in all aspects but difficult to approach.

By the time the sponsors finished their discussion, it was already late at night.

"The driver had been waiting outside and had dozed off by the time Xiao Yin came out. When he finally emerged, the driver reluctantly opened his eyes. Xiao Yin didn't immediately get in the car, but turned back to glance at the second floor.

The lights were all off, and at this time, only the high-rise buildings were working around the clock.

"Brother, are we waiting for someone else?" asked the young driver, still in his sleepwear and with sleepy eyes.

"Let's go," Xiao Yin opened the car door and got in.

At the stroke of midnight, the official league event announced the registration of a new team, which was seen as a welcome for Xiao Yin.

Among all professional players in the domestic league, this was the first time such treatment was given.

Although the announcement was made at a very late hour, it still caused a huge sensation, trending on hot searches until noon the next day. Many people took advantage of this opportunity to wildly speculate on the team configuration.

It was also the transfer season, so various speculations were made one after another.

"Yin Shen personally recruited young players from the training team. It is estimated that he wants to build his own team with his proteges, but according to the configuration, they are still short of players. Yin himself is undoubtedly playing the jungle role."

"It's too sudden. Who can join when Yin suddenly comes back? Many peak players have already renewed their contracts, haven't they?"

"Excluding jungle players, which top-tier players in the domestic league are available during this signing period? It will take someone with first-rate skills to be able to play with Xiao Yin's core lineup."

The discussion's intensity continued to rise, and this new topic took over all the major gaming forums.

There were only a few popular mid-laners recently, and hardly anyone mentioned Rong Yi. He had recently been making a lot of noise with his release from RS, and everyone remembered he played support, so nobody really thought of him as a mid-laner.


Rong Yi returned home and played a few entertainment matches before realizing he had received a private message on his Weibo account.

His player account was commercial and managed by the league club, so this was just a small account with a few thousand followers, making it easy to identify the message's sender.

The header read: [Team Manager VIOLET].

It was sent yesterday.

Rong Yi thought it might be some no-name team and clicked on it.

[Team Manager VIOLET]: "Hello, Mr. Rong Yi. We are a new team in the league, VIOLET, and we are interested in purchasing you as a player for our team. Would you be interested in discussing further details on this private account?"

After finishing reading the message, Rong Yi turned off his phone, but realized something after one minute.

This was Xiao Yin's team.

The tone of the message was the same as official business, and based on Rong Yi's understanding of the club, it was probably sent to a considerable number of registered players, and then screened after detailed discussion.

He replied: "Hello! I'm not interested. (^o^)."

Sent at 2:00 a.m.

He didn't expect the other side to almost instantly reply, "May I ask why? We also really hope to get your advice and opinion."

Rong Yi: "......"

He couldn't say that he had a history with Brother Yin.

Rong Yi thought for a moment, and replied: "Because I might retire soon, it's not because of you. I'm very sorry that we can't cooperate, but I still appreciate your invitation."

The other party quickly marked it as read, and then there was no reply.

After finishing this sentence, Rong Yi suddenly felt very relaxed. He thought for a moment and added, "I wish VIOLET team to dominate the world and win the championship."

He also wished that person to continue standing at the top of the world.

He had never spoken such clichéd polite words in his life. He sounded a bit stiff, but he didn't care.

Rong Yi continued to put down his phone and dozed off on the sofa.

These days, he always felt a little sleepless. Maybe his body hadn't adapted to the suddenly idle life.

The living room was dark, and he slept on the sofa. The weather was slightly cold, and there was a drizzle outside.

The clock slowly moved to 8:30 in the evening.

The phone vibrated again, and Rong Yi struggled in a half-dream and half-awake state. After twenty seconds, his rationality finally defeated his anger, and he didn't even look at who the caller was before pressing the speaker button.

The warm voice suppressed his anger, and with a tone that sounded like he had just woken up, he asked coolly, "Who is it?"

After a pause on the other side, the winter-like voice and tone made Rong Yi suddenly widen his eyes.

"Hello, I'm Yin, Xiao Yin, from the VIOLET Esports Club."

"Is this Easy's number?"

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