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Luciano Rey Delgado

Walking into the conference room after Paul told me that Mateo and his father wanted to have a meeting with me, I find them both seated in two of the chairs.

"Good morning," Mr Accardi greets. "Morning." I respond.

I take my seat, Mr Accardi begins, "So, you know Carlos danced with my daughter last night."

"Yeah, I remember," I reply, curious about where this was going.

"As they were dancing, he told her his so-called plan, which is marrying her against her own will," Mr Accardi explains, frustration evident in his voice.

I can't help but blurt out, "Wait, why would Carlos want to marry her?"

"He's has had an obsession with Ariella since.. well, that's not our story to tell," Mr Accardi says, and I can't help but be taken aback.

"So the main reason why we called you here is to ask you to marry Ariella," Mateo reveals.

Trying to make sense of it all, I ask, "But why do you want me to marry her?"

"We want you to marry her because if Ariella is already married, Carlos won't be able to marry her." Mateo states.

"Does she know that you are trying to marry her off?" I question.

Mr Accardi admits, "No, but we're doing it for her safety."

I ponder for a moment, realizing that a traditional marriage might not be in the cards for me. "Alright, I'll marry her. But she has to come back to Spain with me and my team."

Telling by Mr Accardi's facial expression, I can tell that he is displeased by my request, but I could honestly care less.

Ariella Anna Accardi

I've been standing here, staring at the pool water since I woke up. Seeing Carlos last night triggered something because I can't stop reminiscing about my days in that warehouse.

I took a cold shower before coming out here, hoping it would help, but it honestly did nothing.

I hear footsteps behind me and immediately turn around to see who it is.

"Morning, Mateo and your father told me to call you to the conference room for a meeting."

"Morning," I say, disliking the idea of a meeting this early in the morning.

"I'll be right there," I add, turning back to the pool before hearing his departing footsteps.

And just like that, I spend another 10 minutes staring at the water before finally deciding to go to the conference room.

I make my way to the conference room and step in to find my father, Mateo, and even Luciano all seated.

Why is he here?

I take a seat. "Good morning, Ariella," Dad greets. "Morning, Papà," I respond.

"What is this meeting about?" I question.

"An arranged marriage," Mateo says, and my breath hitches when I hear those words.

"Huh?" I respond, taken aback.

"You're going to marry Luciano," Mateo states, not asking but telling.

"What??" I exclaim, feeling frustration turn into obvious anger.

"Ariella, calm down. Let us explain why we want you to marry him," Dad intervenes.

I give him a moment to speak. "Well, since Carlos is planning on making you his wife against your will, we figured it would be a good idea for you to marry Luciano before Carlos tries anything," Dad explains.

Is he insane?

"Dad, I can't marry someone I don't love," I protest, my eyes shifting to Luciano, who sits there calmly.

"C'mon, Ari, it can be temporary if you want. Once we kill Carlos, you can get a divorce," Mateo suggests.

I can't believe Mateo and Dad are doing this.

Before I can say something, I'm interrupted. "Ariella, it's final," my father states, and my blood basically boils.

I stand up and storm out of the room, my anger boiling inside me.

I head upstairs to Lia's room, not bothering to knock before I enter.

"An arranged marriage," I exclaim, startling Vicky and Sofia, who are also in the room.

"What?" Vicky says, clearly confused.

"My dad and Mateo are making me marry Luciano," I say through gritted teeth.

"What? Why?" Vicky questions, her disbelief evident.

"To protect me, apparently," I reply bitterly.

Their eyes widen in shock.

After chatting with the girls, I head back to my room, where I pace around, trying to process everything. Marrying Luciano? Really? I can't stand him, especially after what happened in the gym..

But he did make me cum...

I hear a loud knock at my door, interrupting my thoughts. "Come in," I say, my voice laced with irritation.

Mateo pushes the door open and walks into my room.

"Ari..." he begins.

"Get the hell out, Mateo," I say firmly.

"Come on, Ari. Carlos will be dead in a few months, and you'll be free to divorce Luciano. Consider it," he urges.

I stare at the wall in silence. Only a few months?

"Okay," I finally say, "okay?" Amusement in his voice.

"Okay, I'll marry him," I say, resigned.

"Great!" He says enthusiastically.

"We talked to mom. At first, she was angry, but she also ended up agreeing with the marriage," he explains.

"Since we're all here already, the wedding will be here in Brazil in a few days," Mateo informs me.

In a few days!?

"We'll start the preparations tomorrow. I'll have a planner come by, and you can tell her whatever you want for your wedding," he says, as if this marriage is a good thing.

I hear him start to walk away before he stops. "Oh, and..."

"Luciano wants you to leave with him for Spain after the wedding, so you have to," he adds casually.


I start to fume with anger. There's no way I'm leaving with that jerk for Spain.

"What!?" I turn around, seething.

"It'll only be for a few months," Mateo's voice remains calm.

A few months away from my family? A few months married to a Spanish jerk? A few months away from my home country?

Hell no!

The door opens and closes after Mateo leaves.

Luciano Rey Delgado

In the conference room, Mateo, Mr Accardi, and I finalized the arrangements.

It's confirmed. I'm marrying her in a few days, and she's coming back to Spain with me.

Honestly, the idea of her being my wife is quite pleasant. I'm sure it'll be interesting.

But I wonder what happened between Carlos and her.

"He's had an obsession with Ariella since... well, that's not our story to tell," Mr. Accardi had mentioned earlier.

What story is not theirs to tell?

Did he have her?

Did he do something to her?

The mere thought makes my blood boil.

Thanks for reading.

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