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I apologize for the late release. I rewrote this chapter several times before I settled with this version. This is version number 7. Yeah, this chapter has 4 cut scenes you will never get to see. 😉



Sam stared blankly ahead as he rocked back and forth in the rocking chair. It was hot outside but he didn't care. He'd rather be outside on the porch than inside right now. He couldn't bear to be in that house anymore than he had to be.

He found himself getting lost in thought. Though, not like how he expected to.

He was thinking about the most random of things. He thought of how good the breeze felt, how vibrant the grass and trees looked... he even pondered why it is that you never notice your nose in your vision until you think about it... At times his head even played music...

Anything to distract him from the world, from his sorrows and problems.

How could this happen? Why is he here? How did he go from living in a warm house with his sister and parents with so much love to living on the cold dark streets to living with a serial killer cannibal??

Sam thought he hated his parents for what they did to him and Edith... but right now, all he wants is to run outside and find them... he wants his mother to take him and kiss his forehead; to tell him that everything would be okay and that she'd make it all better.

He wanted his father to yell at him to man up but become kind and fatherly when he saw the tears running down his son's face. Heck, Sam would even settle for a hallucination of his parents hugging him at this point. He found himself becoming desperate.

What's happened to his life? Where did he go wrong?


Was this his fault? Did he do something to make his parents not love them anymore?

What could he have done? Was he a bad kid? Yeah, sure, he talked back from time to time, maybe whined a bit about setting the table but he couldn't have been older than 10 the last time he did that... wasn't that what every kid did?

The boy's expression turned to one of anger and deep despair.

This was his fault, wasn't it? All of it! How could he do this... He deserved all of this, didn't he? He deserved to suffer. He's the one who drove his parents away. He's the one that couldn't care for his sister! He's the one who got them in this entire mess!! Him! Him! Him!

It was his own fault that he felt like this. He wished he could turn back the clock to the day he found out what Alastor was doing... he wished he could go back and tell himself not to look into it... not to feed his curiosity... because now he regrets it... he wants to feel the sweet embrace of ignorance that hides the ugly sight of the world.

...but he can't and it's his own fault...

The tears started flowing down Sam's face as he fell out of his chair and onto his knees, hitting his head with his hand. It felt like he was losing his sanity. He gripped his hair and yanked at it, even pulling bits of it out at times.

Though, it was his scream of pure mental agony that caused Rosie to come running outside in terror and concern.

She turned at saw Sam hitting himself and ran to stop him. "Sam! What are you doing??" She exclaimed, getting on his knees and grabbing his arms and pulling them away from his head.

The Radio Kids. (Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now