xxviii. shambles

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GHOST OF YOU::  xxviii

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:: xxviii. | shambles

Zelena held her baby in her hands while hades walked to her, both across from Regina and Robin.

Hades held the Olympian Crystal in one of his hands, "This — this right here, is death itself." He continued, "You're standing in the way of your sister's happiness and that can't happen. Right, Zelena?"

"I — i . . . " The wicked witch was at loss of words.

"It's ok." Hades still had the crystal pointed at them, "I'll always do what means necessary."

"Wait —— " Regina rose her hands up in defense.

"It's a little too late for that." Hades spoke nonchalantly.

The crystal continued to be pointed Regina's way and as it began to glow, Robin had jumped in front of Regina before it went off.

Robin immediately collapsed to the floor and Regina went to his aid. She checked for a pulse but there was nothing.

Her thief was gone.

"No . . . Robin?" She hoped maybe a little bit that he was alright because she didn't want to believe otherwise.

"Erased from existence."  He spoke before glancing zelena's way, "Now, you finish the job." Hades handed Zelena the crystal.

Regina's eyes darted toward her sister from next to Robin, "He killed Robin, Zelena!"

Believe it or not, Zelena was contemplating in that moment. She understood Regina's heartbreak but for her, it's not often she finds anyone who shares the same things as her.

Holding that crystal in her hand was a lot but unlike hades, Zelena had compassion and love for others. Which is why without barely thinking in this moment, she plunged the Olympian crystal in hades' heart.

And just like Robin, hades was now gone.

Still holding the baby in her arms, Zelena went to Regina's side, comforting her in the time of need.

• • •

Eventually word spread and everyone practically knew of robin's death. It was a complete lost to the town because robin was a kind, gentle soul. No one thought he deserved it and others thought he died a hero because he saved Regina.

However, when news tracked to Cassandra, she immediately went to find Regina. She already knew where to look and that was the office. Cassandra headed her way to Regina's office.

As soon as she got there and found her way to the door, she didn't hesitate to open it. As soon as she did, she didn't know what to make of the scene.

Regina was just sat in the middle of the room, staring at a certain spot on the floor. However, Cassandra didn't question it. She just went and sat next to the queen.

"I'm sorry about Robin." She spoke softly.

"Not your fault but I'm sure you're glad." Her eyes never left the spot where Robin collapsed.

"Might've been jealous but I didn't want him dead." Cassandra continued, "If you were happy, so was I."

Regina's eyes finally left the floor. Her head turned and met Cassandra's, "You really mean that?"

Cassandra nodded, "I do. I like to think eventually, maybe Robin and I could've became friends." She bit the inside of her cheek. Even though she was trying to lighten the moment, she felt tons of guilt for what happened, "On that note, I have something to tell you."

Regina interrupted, "Before you do, I want to show you something."

Regina stood up from the floor and went around her desk. She opened one of her locked doors from the desk and took out two stacks of envelopes, placing them on the desk.

Cassandra slowly approached, "What's that?"

"It's barely half of them." Regina spoke softly, "Been writing to you since the day you died."

Looking at those envelopes made Cassandra feel worse.

Instead of picking one up and reading it, she walked over to the sofa and sat down, "I'm the reason robin's dead."

Cassandra then continued on, expressing immense pain and guilt for what happened to Robin. She told Regina about hades, her parents and why she thought she had no other choice instead of coming to her or the heroes.

After saying all of that, regina just fell silent.

The silence only grew with each waking moment . . . and then the words finally came out.

"Get out."

Cassandra didn't even put up a fight. She just left. In that moment, she made one of the most important decisions in her life. She was going to leave Storybrooke. She figured Regina must hate her now and there was no coming back from that.

So after heading home, she told her parents her plan and they let her pack somethings. Eventually, they drove her to the line . . .

From there, it was left to fate to decide.

To be continued . . .

a/n: any thoughts ?? this act is almost over !!

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any thoughts ?? this
act is almost over !!

ghost of you, 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now