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Old Man Lin could only nod in agreement, and Mrs. Lin felt relieved. From now on, even if she and her parents were not under the same roof, but in the same village, she would be able to take care of her parents.

Seeing that Old Lin agreed, the old man happily poured a glass of wine, and brought it to Old Lin, and said: "Try the wine your granddaughter made, it tastes good!"

Mrs. Lin quickly said: "Dad, you are recovering from your illness, but you can't drink too much. Once you've recovered, you can drink as much as you want."

Old Man Lin smiled and said: "Your father in-law and I haven't even had a drink yet and you're starting to preach, well, I'll listen to you girl, my in-laws and I will have a drink and also have a good taste of our Qibao brewed wine."

In the past two days of living in the Xu family, Old Xu often talked to him about Qibao, he realized that his granddaughter had a divine master, before he still had some doubts in his mind, but now he finally knew, and there was an explanation for Qibao's difference.

After taking one sip, Old Lin's eyes lit up and he said: "Well, that's right. Not only does this wine have a beautiful color, but it also tastes so delicious. What's the name of this wine?"

Mr. Xu was stunned. He hadn't thought of giving this wine a name yet!

Qibao actually had already thought about choosing a noble name, so she said: "Why don't we call it Qiongjiang Yuye!"

Xu Dabo said: "What a name. The taste of this wine deserves the name."

"Okay, let's call it this name. You are all here. Let's raise a glass together and wish our family everything goes well in the new year. Cheers!"


Everyone raised their glasses, and even Xiaoliu poured a glass of strawberry wine and clinked glasses with everyone. The meal ended with everyone toasting me a glass and I toasting you a glass.

After the meal, Mrs. Wang and the others put away the dishes and chopsticks. Xiaowu took his grandpa and grandma to sit down in the front hall. A row of children knelt on the ground neatly and shouted: "I wish my grandparents a happy new year and a long life!" Then he kowtowed respectfully.

Mrs. Wang smiled and took out a few red envelopes from her arms and said: "Okay, get up quickly. This is the red envelope of New Year's money prepared by grandma for you. Take it and buy whatever you want to eat in the future!"

The children happily took the red envelope and opened it, looked at it, and poured out fifty copper coins, which was not a small amount for children like them, and they all thanked her happily.

Mr. Xu said: "Go and wish you Grandpa Lin and Grandma Sun a happy New Year!"

The children ran to Old Man Lin and Mrs. Sun again, kowtowed and said auspicious words. Mrs. Sun pulled the children up, took out a few red envelopes, and said with a smile: "You are all good children. This is the red envelope I prepared for you. Although it is not as much as what your grandma gave you, it is still a little bit of our gratitude."

The children did not take it, but turned to look at their grandfather.

The old man smiled and said: "Since it is your Grandma Sun and Grandpa Lin's wish, just accept it and be more respectful to them in the future, understand?"

The children nodded and smiled, took the red envelope from Sun's hand, and said: "Thank you, Grandma Sun (Grandma) and Grandpa Lin (Grandpa)."

The children happily opened the red envelope, which contained thirty copper coins.

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