Dally x soda x fem y/n: 💜🌺 pregnancy 💜🌺

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Y/n p.o.v

I was 7 months pregnant and felt miserable, I couldn't sleep at night,, going to the bathroom every 5mins, can't fit I my clothes anymore... pony and the others was out out a while, so I was sitting alone at the kitchen table eating chocolate cover pickels..

(idk, what things pregnant people eat.. I'm sorry)

when i suddenly felt bloated.. and when I say bloated... I mean.. BLOATED. I put my snack down and drop my head on the table, feeling the pressure built up. And next thing I knew I smelt a very bad smell, it's not my fault. It's the baby. As the smell travels through the house I heard, soda coming downstairs.

"Love.. what's tha- ohh *cover his nose*" (soda)

I wanted to cry, I found it embarrassing. Soda used his shirt and covers his nose, he spary in the house. But that didn't work, so he opened the windows and doors.

"It's *gagging* okay, love.. that's normal." (Soda)

Then dally made it worst when he came home. And I burst into tears after; and soda through a shoe at him.

"Hey, yall and- DAMN!! soda what u ate?!" (Dally)

"Dally..." (soda)

"DAMN!!" (Dally)

Dally coverd his nose and left the door open. He looked down at me, and realization must've hit him.

"Doll I love u, but I think u need to check ur drawls.. I think u burn a hole in em" (dally)

"Dally.." *his nose in his shirt*" (soda)

"What?! It not my fault she burn a hole in that chair.." (dally)

"Dally u got 1 more time.. she's embarrass enough leave her alone." (Soda)

"U sure that's gas or diarrhea in yo pussy?" (Dally)

I burst into tears when day asked me that question, and soda threw a shoe at him. I just cried; then soda pulled me in his arms. Although my gas was terrible, he gave me comfort. When I looked up- I can see a clothes pin on his nose. Soda kissed my forehead and said don't worry about it.

"And u.." (Soda)

I looked behind me seeing dally rubbing the side of his head, where the shoe hit him. He looked at soda confused.

"What?" (Dally)

"Apologize." (Soda)

"For what I can't help she stank.." (dally)

Soda picked up a slat shaker and threw it at him, I heard dally grunt in pain. Soda gently turned me by my chin to make me look at him, he kissed my lips and hugged me close. Soda took me upstairs to relax in bed; although he said it was normal... I wanted to bathe after that. So he washed me up, and help me put on my nightgown. After all that, I decided to take a nap.

And when I woke up, I heard the bedroom door open. Rubbing the sleep out my eyes, I saw dally and soda walking in. With flower, snacks, and my comfy pillows. They help me sit up and put the pillows on the bed; to make me comfortable.

"I'm sorry doll, for earlier" (dally)

"I told dally I'd beat his ass if he didn't apologize." (Soda)

"That was a part in it too" (dally)

I chuckled; while I took the flower, and snacks. After sometime- all of us was laying on the bed while soda rubbed gentle circles, on my belly and I could feel dallys lips kissed my stomach. I loved them both. Although dally always had something to say, and soda.. just as sweet as he could be.



I hope yall enjoy this short story, and this was made for fun. But anywho I hope yall enjoy, don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness. Yall come back now.  And if yall got any requests go ahead and drop them in the comments.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall my babies 💋.

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