no greater love

463 20 9

Do you mind if I testify
And tell you of the goodness of my lord
Share some of what he's done for me
How he's opened up so many doors
You may look at me from the outside
And think I got here on my own
But there's no way that you could ever know
How much grace and mercy I've been shown

• twenty four
• bronx, ny
• 9am
• samaria bryant

"Come in," I replied to the knock on my door.

In walked Bryson who was dressed down in a white button down, blue dress pants and a tie. He held a few things in his left hand and had his right behind his back.

"Awwww look at you dressed down for church." I said cheesing.

"I didn't even know I was going until I was woken up. But good morning," he replied leaning down to kiss me lightly.

"What's behind your back?" I asked, raising my brow.


"Hmmmm is it snackies for me?"

"Nuh uh."

"A book?"

"No, you got one more guess."

"Ummmm I don't know, I give up." I shrugged before he pulled out a little bouquet of lillies.

"FLOWERS!!?!?!?!" I exclaimed before standing up and hugging him tightly.

"I'm guessing you like them," he chuckled as I squeezed him tighter.

"I love, love, love, love them! I've never gotten flowers from a boy before."

"I know, I wanted to be the first." He said before I pulled my head back from his chest and gave him a kiss.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he gave me another kiss before I sat back down resting the flowers on my lap.

"It's week two of couples therapy for my parents and they said it was suggested for them to work on their spirituality together. And since our families are inseparable...we're on to church together."

"We ain't been to church in months, I know them people gone be surprised to see us walk up in there." Bryson replied sitting in my bed.

"Laila be asking me when ima come back. When I told her I was going today she FaceTimed me screaming."

"Now I'm lowkey missing all our church friends. We dead grew up with them."

"Well we could've still been going if it hadn't been for that situation..." I trailed off, adjusting my earrings.

The situation was referring to when some elders in the church started fighting over money which was totally uncalled for in a place of worship.

Our parents got turned off after that and then we just didn't go for a few months. But I guess they've had a change of heart. Plus those elders were no longer residing in our church.

"That still blows me. These elders done preached about how it's evil to love money, yet they were fighting about it in the church. Crazy times man."

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