ch- 17 (veer)

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As we reached the mall, I pulled up to the entrance, and the excited chatter in the backseat reached its peak. Bhavya practically jumped out of the car, her enthusiasm contagious. Aahna turned towards me, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and warmth.

"Thank you for the ride, Veer," she said, her voice soft.

I nodded in response, "No problem."

Before I could say anything more, Bhavya tugged at Aahna's sleeve, eager to start the shopping spree. Aahna smiled at her, and they joined Ritika and Aashi, who were already making plans for their shopping adventure.

As I watched them walk away, a faint smile tugged at the corners of my lips. It was unusual for me to offer such gestures, but seeing Aahna's grateful expression made it feel worthwhile.

I leaned back in the driver's seat, momentarily lost in my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I pulled away from the entrance, steering the car towards the office.

Turning into the office parking lot, I parked the car and texted Aahna. "I'll pick you up later, after you're done shopping," 

Aahna replied with a quick text, "You don't have to come, Veer. We are going somewhere after shopping. We'll drop Bhavya at home by ourselves after shopping."

With a slight smile, I typed back, "Alright, just let me know if you need anything. Take care."

Aahna sent a quick "Sure" in response, and I sighed, putting my phone in my pocket. 

i glanced at the time on my dashboard clock, realizing I had a bit of time before my next meeting. With a sigh, I leaned back in my seat, contemplating the events of the day so far.

As I sat in the parked car, my mind began to wander, and I found myself thinking about the upcoming meeting and the tasks that awaited me at the office. However, my contemplation was interrupted by a sudden arrival.

A tall figure approached the car, and a cold shiver ran down my spine as I recognized her – Kavya. She was someone from my past, and our history was complicated, to say the least. Kavya had always wanted more than I was willing to give, and our interactions had often been filled with tension.

She tapped on the window, and with a forced smile, I rolled it down. "Veer," she greeted in a tone that hinted at familiarity.

"Kavya," I replied, my voice neutral. I had dealt with her attempts to rekindle whatever it was we had in the past, but my stance had always been clear – I wasn't interested.

She leaned in, a calculating glint in her eyes. "Long time no see, Veer. How have you been?"

I kept my responses curt. "Busy. What brings you here?"

she quickly composed herself. "I was here in delhi for 4 days. Thought I'd say hello."

I nodded, not buying her casual facade. "Hello. Is there anything else?"

"You look as charming as ever, Veer," she remarked, her gaze lingering longer than necessary.

Ignoring the comment, I replied, "If there's nothing else, I have a meeting to attend."

Kavya sighed dramatically, leaning against the car. "Always the busy man, aren't you? I was hoping we could catch up over coffee or something."

I shot down the idea with a simple "No, thanks."

An awkward silence hung in the air, but she didn't seem ready to give up. "I've been thinking, Veer. Maybe we could give us another shot. Things have changed. I've changed."

I remained unfazed, my tone icy. "I haven't."

Without waiting for a response, I rolled up the window, cutting off any further conversation.

hii peoplee!! i know its really small chapter but i have been busy bc of exams! i promise i'll make next part longer! for now enjoy reading!! <3 

Vivah: His Arranged BrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora