Fighting with the Fighter (13)

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Nico knew he was stupid the moment he stepped out of the shadows in his room at Wayne Manor.

He hadn't even thought about what he might say to the team once he saw them again. And now that he had thought about it a little more, he just started dreading the inevitable conversations they would have. He especially didn't want to face his siblings. Nico didn't want to hear what they had to say about him now.

Nico half debated turning right back around and shadow-traveling back to Bunker Nine.

He never got the chance to because he heard someone's fancy penny loafers coming up the stairs.

Nico groaned as he turned around to see Alfred coming down the hall. He really was not in the mood to deal with an old butler at the moment. Especially an old butler who would stare at his orange camp Half-Blood t-shirt and think 'Kids these days.'

Nico felt old because he agreed. And he only felt older as he realized he was probably older than Alfred.

"Master Nico?" Alfred asked, surprised as he entered the room, feather duster in hand. Nico briefly thought about how impractical the duster seemed, especially for a mansion of this size.

"Hi, Alfred." Nico sighed, slouching down in order to try and hide the lettering on his shirt.

"Master Jason has been looking for you," Alfred said Nico felt relieved he didn't comment on his forced fashion choices.

"Really? Is anyone else back?" Nico asked, he could feel his heart speed up at the thought of being forced to confront the team quicker than he had anticipated.

"No, the other young masters have not returned yet," Alfred replied calmly, waving the feather duster over the still-empty shelves attached to the walls. "Would you like me to unpack your stuff, Master Nico?"

"No, thank you, Alfred." Nico sighed, setting his backpack down. He wasn't sure if he was going to be allowed to stay. "Do you know where Jason is?"

"He left in his suit about an hour and thirty minutes ago," Alfred answered. "I believe he left via the zeta-tube."

"Oh," Nico said softly, rubbing his face, feeling the rough bandages against his face.

"You should be able to check the destination coordinates if you adjust the control panel," Alfred advised, giving Nico a small smile. Nico sighed.

"Thank you, Alfred," Nico mumbled, slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder and making his way down the stairs.

"How about you pause to eat something and rest for a few minutes Master Nico?" Alfred suggested, resting a hand on Nico's shoulder and guiding him towards the kitchen area.

"I'm not sure Alfred, I need to talk with the team as soon as possible," Nico said slowly. Nico didn't really talk with the team but it was the responsible thing to do, and Nico should start being a little more responsible.

"None-sense, have a seat and eat something," Alfred said firmly, forcing Nico into a seat at the dining table.

"Alfred, I really need to get going." Nico sighed, only half-heartedly. He knew better than to really go against Alfred.

"Here you go, Young Master," Alfred said, seemingly pulling a bowl of fruit salad out of nowhere.

Nico stared at the bowl, it had cantaloupe and dew fruit, both of which Nico hated. Along with watermelon, chopped strawberries, diced grapes, and blueberries.

"Thank you, Alfred," Nico said as Alfred gave him a fork.

"No worries, eat and be on your way," Alfred said, sounding mildly annoyed. "I have things I need to do."

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now