Chapter 7

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Y/N'S POV 🌸🌾

Mr. Hawkins, eager to get started, gestured me and Jake to follow him. I was concerned about Jake's injury, so I thought of asking him.

"Jake, are you sure you're okay to work in this condition?" I asked.

" Oh, don't worry about me. I can handle it. Maybe you should worry about yourself instead." He forcefully smiled.

I was taken aback by his comment. What is wrong with him? He changes his mood faster than I do while I am on my periods.

We soon reached the clinic.



Jake, approached April, who was attending one of her patients.

" Hey, April. I need the keys to the basement." He asked her in a rushed tone.

" Why do you need the keys to the basement?" She asked, sounding curious.

" We're thinking of using it as a shelter. It hasn't been used in years, so I want to make sure it's safe." He explained, probably leaving April confused.

*April handed Jake the keys, and he headed towards the basement, accompanied by me and Mr. Hawkins behind him.

We opened   the basement door, revealing a scene that gives us a  pause. The condition was not suitable for shelter.

"Well, this looks cozy. I hope nobody was expecting five-star accommodations." Mr. Hawkins scoffed while eyeing the place left and right.

" Yeah, this might not be the best option." I spoke up, doubting the plan.

" I think we can make this work. We just need to clean up and organize a bit." He suggested, but clearly he was out of his mind.

" Jake, there's no electricity down here. Nothing's going to work. We need to find a safer place." I firmly replied.

Jake and I stood facing each other, ready for standing our ground.

"Come on, Y/n, we can't just give up. We have to make this work!" He replied, sounding frustrated.

"Jake, there's no electricity, no facilities. It's not safe!" I explained, hoping it would knock some sense in him.

"We'll figure it out! We have to try!" He protested.

" It's too risky! We need to find a better place!" I shouted while crossing my arms over my chest.

" We can't just abandon this place! It's our best option right now." He said, still not thinking of leaving this place.

"But it's not safe, Jake! We can't risk people's lives like this." I shouted back.

"And what's your plan, huh? Where else are we going to find shelter at this hour?" He said, while getting a little close to me.

" I don't know, but I refuse to believe this is our only choice. We have to keep looking." I said while throwing my arms in the air.

" Alright, let's all take a step back. We need to approach this calmly and rationally." Mr. Hawkins intervened, sounding assertive, making us both go quiet for a moment.

" This is ridiculous. You're just scared." He said, under his breath.

" And you're just reckless, as usual." I scoffed.

"Y/n, go upstairs and find out how many people are there, especially babies and elders. We need to know what we're dealing with." Mr Hawkins ordered me.

𝑱𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑯𝑶:𝑹𝑬𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵 𝒀/𝑵 𝑿 𝑱𝑨𝑲𝑬 𝑮𝑹𝑬𝑬𝑵 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now