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wrapping her long brunette hair around the curling wand, she sighed as it was taking forever to do, before she scrunched the piece of hair and wrapping another piece around the wand

she finished her hair, and started applying mascara which made her lashes touch her eyebrows, and applied some blush, lip tint with gloss and then turned away from the mirror

she put on a simple black dress that hugged her figure, knowing every other girl was going to try and show off at the party tonight

she combed out her hair and grabbed her phone, slipping on sneakers before cami texted her, letting lavender know she was outside so they can drive there together

"have you seen chiara?"cami asked immediately after lavender sat in the passenger seat. she turned her head to her friend as she drove off

"no.. i thought she was with you?" cami shook her head annoyed as lavender looked towards the road "she's been acting weird lately,"

"her parents are seeing different people now, maybe it's effecting her?" lavender asked not wanting to accuse her best friend of anything

cami agreed before parking the car and getting out, they both walked in the house. music playing in the background and people drinking and dancing everywhere

"fabio!"  lavender yelled as she hugged her friend, making cami hug him as well. before someone else joined the hug, chiara.

they sat down on a couch, they all talked about random things "fabio, anyone you think is cute?" lav asked as he blushed

"no.. what about you?" she shrugged before sipping her drink "don't even lav, we all know you like someone here" cami laughed

lavender rolled her eyes before she smiled "maybe, that's a secret." before chiara excused herself and walked away

"i see what you mean now." lav looked over at cami as she nodded, fabio looked confused "is someone gonna fill me in? or is this a secret too"

"it's not really a big deal, chiara is just acting weird" fabio agreed before lavender excused herself as well, pointing to her empty drink

she walked around before spotting the drinks, filling up her drink before someone's hands wrapped around the girls waist

she turned her head, locking eyes with the one and only brando. "hey you" he spoke as she smiled "hi brando" he smiled as he leaned against the counter top

"you look really good tonight" he spoke as she smiled thanking him "no compliment for me?" he asked as she laughed "take the hat off and maybe you'll get one"

he took the hat off. ruffling his hair so it looked better "your hair looks nice tonight" she spoke as he rolled his eyes smiling before looking around him

"how about.." he spoke before lavender smiled at him "we go upstairs, you know we could-"

"i'm not hooking up with you" she spoke as he frowned "why not?" he asked as she laughed "maybe another time, when there's not millions of people around" she spoke teasing him

she walked away before hearing people laugh in the living room, cami grabbed lavenders hand and they walked towards the noise

lavender watched the tv screen show brando and ludos video, she was in disbelief that he showed this to everyone

"tell me i'm yours and only yours" virginia mocked the girl as lavender looked over at brando, he was smirking as he looked at lav

her face was in disgust, his smirk immediately disappeared as he saw she didn't think it was funny, but smirked again as nico nudged his shoulder

ludo slapped virginia before nico shoved her off his girlfriend, lavender watched ludo and looked at everyone else

she ran away crying, lavender looked at cami again. cami shrugged before the party became extremely awkward but after a while it went back to normal

chiara left and lavender walked upstairs, she opened a room door and noticed a balcony. she went outside and sat down

dangling her feet off the ledge as her body leaned against the railing and fence. she smoked a blunt that brando gave her

she heard someone walk into the room, to her surprise. it was the curly headed boy. he sat down next to her. she passed the blunt to him, he smiled

"why'd you make the video?" she asked as he stayed silent. which made her turn to him, he shrugged before she rolled her eyes

"are you mad at me?" she scoffed "you know a lot of people want you" she spoke as he watched her look towards the view

she turned to him, locking eyes "do you?" ignoring the boy "how are you ever going to get a girlfriend if they can't even trust you?"

they didn't break eye contact, he scooted closer to the girl, she hated him for what he did, but it was such a. long night.

she got up, before she could make any dumb decisions she would later get, "have a nice night brando." before she walked out of room

"i would change for you." he whispered before he also got up and returned to the party

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