Chapter 2: Recovery

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Hanji's POV

Days passed as I cared for Levi. Every day, he got stronger and more comfortable in his surroundings. I catch him talking to Arian from time to time. Questions ranged from why she stayed in her crow form to questions about me. I haven't seen him in his cat form since the day I met him. At least he's not attacking Arian.

As I was prepping dinner in the morning, Levi finally had the strength to walk around the room. His curiosity was something to admire. He explored every corner of my house, poking and prodding at harmless objects. His previous witch had done a number on him, and I hope Levi will find a better home and a better witch to stay with. All of a sudden, I saw him staring out the window. He's been staring at it for an hour without context.

"Levi?" I called out to him, watching him twitch his fingers. "What are you doing?"

"Do you grow your vegetables here?"

"And animals."

"Your garden looks... messy..."

"I'm not very... good at keeping my garden and farm tidy," I confessed with my cheeks turning warm. "If you'd like, you can work on them. Do what you want. This is your home. Temporarily, of course."

Before I knew it, Levi wasn't at the window anymore. My hand put down the knife as I gazed out that same window. A small grin grew on my face as I saw where he was: outside in the garden. The hours to prepare dinner disappeared as I sat at the window and watched Levi work. His concentration never broke as I watched him sweat under the cruel sun. His skin began to tan as well.

*   *   *

"Thank you..." I say as we sit down for dinner. "For your hard work in the garden. I can't recall when I saw it bare like that. I struggled to maintain it as I have other things. Practicing my spells and hunting... things like that. And well... I'm just not that good. Everything pretty much dies after I spent a few days trying not to kill them. I think I'm just that terrible."

"It takes practice and patience. I can look after the garden, Hanji."

"You need to focus on resting and healing. Although, I never cared for an animal familiar like you before. I know that creatures like you have a different stamina than witches and humans. Interestingly, animal familiars are somewhat of a hybrid of the two. If you're going to care for the garden, I prefer you to take your time and don't push yourself."

"I won't."

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