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The car ride continued in silence, Dex looked back one more time to make sure the girls were still alive before focusing on the road

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The car ride continued in silence, Dex looked back one more time to make sure the girls were still alive before focusing on the road. " so Clara, did your sister say what she was doing on her broadcast?"

She shook her head." Just that it was an idea that my mother and her worked on sometimes" The two Morningstar girls were enhanced with their mother, playing with her often. Once in a blue moon, Lucifer would read his girls a story about the uprising of hell.

She always liked moments like that, she was equally involved with both of her parents. After the divorce, her dad started to drift from her a little, he was still there but not much as she liked for him to be.

Seven years ago, her parents divorced, she would call her dad every week for the past year but that stopped when he stopped making efforts to answer them.

She guessed it was because of her appearance that resembled her mother, she was a carbon copy. Then he cut ties with Charlie, only calling the girls when he needed something. Shortly after their mother disappeared.

She wasn't a little girl anymore, she had decided she just needed her older sister and no one else. So she got to work, despite being the princess of hell.

Snapping out of her thoughts when Sam snapped her fingers in front of her face." Wake up sleepy head! We're here~" The blonde glanced to her side to see a line wrapped around the block of the club. If she knew this many people were gonna be here she never would have come.

"Come on!" Dex voiced out, waiting outside of the car. His keys in his hand ,locking the car.

The princess quickly took her coat off before Sam grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the car, the door slamming closed." Let's get buzzed!" Sam grinned, her pink dress bouncing.

Pushing her bangs out of her face, Clara walked towards the end of the line before being grabbed by the arm." Are you crazy?! We're not waiting in line!" Sam laughed as if she said something funny." Come on hot stuff."

The three friends walked to the hellbound bouncer, who was standing gaurd." Sorry guys, you have to wait in line." He pointed to the line, his muscles flexing in his shirt.

"No can do! See this woman!?" Sam gestured her finger to Clara." This is the Lilith, you really wanna turn her away?!"

Sam used that excuse at all of the clubs, she really did look like her mother it was just a slight difference in the way she held herself and her horns, also her crown.

"Where are her horns?" He questioned.

"Excuse me!-"  Sighing, Clara pulled out her wallet from her purse, she grabbed her id and showed it to the man.

"Clara Morningstar! Come right in ma'am!" The bouncers ears flopped down, opening the club door, the music instinctively pulling the three in. Clara smiled at him in gratitude and stepped into the club, Dex and Sam following. She put her wallet back in her purse.

The bright lights and music greeted the trio. "Where's the ladies, eh?" Dex smirked at a passing lady, who only winked at him. "Don't leave without me!" He yelled over the music, the girl pulling his suit tie.

"How come he always gets the fun ones!"sam groaned, stomping her feet. " anywho~! Let's get drunk!"

The blonde checked her phone, the time was 11:00. She had penalty of time." Only a little bit"

"That's my girl!" The fox demon cheered, her eclectic ears growing upwards. shoving through the crowd on the dance floor, she eagerly brought her to the bar, sitting on the stools provided" two shots! Make them strong!" She called out to a bartender." Sooo how's work?"

Clara worked at a clothing store, she liked sewing random pieces to make beautiful creations, she was pretty enough to be a model her boss told her but she didn't want to be. She smiled while thinking about it." It's great! beside my boss pestering me to become a model! also there's this new design I'm waiting to finish and once I'm done that, my boss will assign me a different project for a big -!"

Sam interrupted her." Sorry I don't care." The bartender placed the two shots down in front of the girls." You know how much I hate to talk about work. " Sam worked at this big porn studio, she told Clara and Dex what she was but never went into details. "Here's yours~" she passed a shot to Clara, about to drink hers when someone called out her name.

"Sammy!" Someone called out, he had four arms and was wearing a pink and white striped dress suit, with black heel boots" how you been! Haven't seen you in forever!" He cockily said, smiling at his co-worker.

"Angel you just saw me two hours ago." Sam rolled her eyes, looking over to Clara who held her shot class in her hand, still with vodka, glancing between the two." He's from work."

Clara nodded, her shy side appearing.

"Who's this?~" bending down at the  waist to take a better look at her,angel looked her over, his tall build towering over her." Oooo~ she's sexy! Val will love her!"He grinned, letting clara see his row of white teeth with a golden tooth.

Sam paled at the sound of her boss"Is he here?" She briefly looked around, about to grab Clara's hand to leave." Come on cla-"

"Woah woah! Where you going so fast?" Angel leaned back on the counter of the bar, between the two girls." you just got here, suga"

"we're leaving!" The porn star gritted her teeth." When I leave work I expect to leave everything that comes with it. Especially you and him."

Clara glanced down at her phone, it was 11:30 pm" I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She softly said over the loud music, Sam heard her though. She handed the sinner her purse,  not trusting it to not be stolen.

She only took her phone as a way of time.

On her way to the bathroom, she tried looking around for Dex but bumped into a breathing wall.

Weird she didn't know walls could breathe.

"Ooh?~ what do we have here?"

"Ooh?~ what do we have here?"

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