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Ellie got up for school, her hands shaking wonder how Gino and her interactions are going to be today. Ellie holds onto the sink hearing Gino's music playing in his room, "Guess that means he is going to school..."
Gino usually misses on Thursdays, he always says 'it makes Friday more bearable' Ellie giggles at the thought of it till she realized that means he is going to make her go with him to school. They will be alone in his truck, for a twenty minute drive, Ellie's heart drops hearing her bedroom door open. "You almost ready?" Gino asks with a different kind of tone today, usually he sounds impatient and annoyed but today he sounds... Calm and peaceful....
Ellie squinted her brows and walked out of the bathroom finding Gino sitting on her bed scrolling on his phone. "Gino." He looks up, his eyes on Ellie heart racing in his chest seeing her still a little sleepy but freshly showered her hair still wet.
Gino gets up walking over to a shaking and confused Ellie, she backs up a little bit used to this kind of attention from Gino. He stops walking over to her,
"I'm not going to hurt you." Gino places his hand on Ellie cheek, Ellie unknowingly leans into his touch making Gino smirk down at her. Ellie eyes closed savoring this soft touch she's never felt before with Gino.
    "Are you almost ready?" Gino's thumb rubs over Ellie's bottom lip gently causing their eyes to meet.
   "I am." Gino grabs Ellie hand lacing their fingers pulling her to follow him, her hand pulls way from his as their parents come around the corner. Agnes sides inside him, he looks at Ellie as she talks her to Gino's dad. "We are going to be late, stop talking." Gino demands his father and instantly his dad becomes quiet. Gino grabs Ellie's hand lacing their fingers, Ronald takes a breath about to say something till Gino steps up to Him. "You're out of here." Ronald says cold, Gino chuckles shaking his head,
"Are you sure about that?" Gino places his hand on Ellie's stomach taunting Ronald. Ellie looks down at Gino's hand confused then pushes it away gently.
"Is he forcing you?" Ronald asks flat out, Ellie shakes her head no keeping her head down.
"I'm serious Gino, you're out. Go back up stairs you are going to five with your mom."
Gino nods, "Let's say I leave.... I'm taking Ellie with me." Gino tugs at Ellie walking to his truck completely ignoring Ronald.
Ellie didn't want to talk as she reached Gino's truck, he smacks Ellie hand away from the door handle. Ellie holds her hand close to her, Gino grabs it gently kissing it lightly. "I open the doors." Ellie nodded hiding her smirk, Ellie threw her stiff on the seat, Gino just about to turn the corner till he sees Ellie struggling to get up.
Ellie's breath get caught in her chest feeling Gino's hands on her hips. Gino's lips close to Ellie ear,
"Need help?" His hands lift Ellie with ease placing her perfectly in her seat.
Gino's man hood waking seeing a small smile on Ellie's face. 'I haven't seen her smile in so long.' Gino thought to himself feeling horrible each passing minute. "Do you want to get some starbies?"
"I don't have money today..." Gino smirks,
"I got you." Ellie smiles looking out of the window, resting her head on it. "Get-"
"Your five head off my window..." Gino chuckled lightly, "I was gonna say, get over here." Gino lifts the middle seat patting the spot next to him, Ellie hesitates for a moment then slides next to him. Gino grabs her hand bring it to his lips, gentle kisses set Ellie's soul on fire! "Did I smack your hand to hard?" Ellie shakes her head, "If I get kisses after I don't really care." Gino smirks wanting to explode inside, 'I didn't think a girl could make me feel.... Happy? Is that what I'm feeling? This weird tingle in my chest....' Gino rests his head on the seat pulling up to the school, Gino makes Ellie look at him. "Are you ready to walk in there holding hands?"
   "W...What?" Gino chuckles looking down at her,
   "Or not.... Or not." Ellie takes in a big breath and slides over exiting the truck, Gino smiling watching Ellie walk to her friends. His blood boils seeing Shel, 'That bitch is going to try and keep Ellie away from me...'
  Shel looks at Gino's truck fuming because Ellie is glowing and she is usually upset after being with Gino.
   "I don't know what kind of game he is playing Ellie but, you can't be falling for it! He is going to hurt you!" Ellie rolls her eyes, "Look I'd rather be given orgasms
Than abuse."
   "You're going to fuck him?!" Ellie covers Shells mouth quickly, "I'm just saying! I like how things are going and I want it to go further okay! No one loses here!" Ellie walks off to her locker already annoyed.
   "My sweet Ellie belly!" Ellie smirks hearing Troy calling out the nickname he gave her.
   "What do you want Troy?" He smiles leaning against the locker, now Troy is the boys Nextdoor, sweet caring, gentle, patient and maybe too scared to ever ask Ellie out.  Ellie dazing out on Tory's mouth as he talks, "Ellie?"
  "What?" Ellie snaps out of her daze listening to Troy.
   "Do you wanna hangout? Like just us? No friends..."
  "Ohhh...." Troy can see Ellie is debating even though he knows there is an undying connection between them. Panic sets in Troy, he grabs her face gently and presses his lips on hers. Sparks fly all around them, till Ellie pulls away quickly covering her mouth.
   "We.... We can't." Ellie rushes off, Tory filled with rage walks off to let some anger out, Gino stands in his way not letting him move around.
  "Dude what the fuck?! Move!" Gino shakes his head chuckling, "You kissed Ellie...."
  Troy raises his eyebrows stepping up to Gino,
   "Yeah I did and she kissed me back. What are you going to do about and why the fuck do you care and also who the fuck are you?!"
   "You don't know who I am? I live with Ellie."
   "What do you mean? Like a step brother?"
  "No, we are not siblings. Our parents are married and we never have never will see each other as siblings. She is mine."
   "Oh really? She said she was single a while back." Troy chuckles, Gino smirks.
   "She may be single but, I live with her, I sleep in the next room, I hear her sing in the shower and I make sure she never leaves without me. You ain't gotta chance, not to mention. She wants to be mine."
"We will see. May the best man win."
"Or the worst." Gino winks walking but making sure to bump shoulder with Troy.
Ellie watching from a distance, she had never seen Gino do that before, she has never seen him jealous over her either.
She smiled in classes for the first time and everyone noticed, on the way to last period Gino spotted Ellie catching up to her. "Hey." Ellie looks seeing Gino,
"Oh... hey." Gino smiles down at Ellie stopping her from walking, Ellie looking around as he gently pushes her against the lockers. Ellie is about to pass out, she has never wanted someone so badly in her life!
'The way he towed over me and looks down at me like I'm something now.... It's intoxicating...'
"So... who was that guy you were kissing earlier?" Ellie's heart sped up quickly.
"A friend....The guy Shel was talking about to be exact." Gino was happy Ellie didn't lie and told her exactly who he was, Gino grabs Ellie face and kisses her forehead tenderly. "Always tell me the truth okay? You'll never be punished for telling the truth." Ellie nodded wanting to make Gino happy in any way shape or form. "Good girl." Ellie's breathing is chaotic Gino's is too but he has better control over it.
"Are you taking me home before you head off with the guys?" Gino smirks,
"Do you want me too?" For the first time Ellie wanted to say yes and she had no problem telling him yes. "Yes, please."
"Is there anything you need or want to do before I drop you off?" Ellie thinking about what she can get away with now, "I want to hmmm, I want to get McDonald's." Gino chuckles shaking his head,
"You know I don't like you eating that shit." Ellie smiles, "That's why? I thought it was because you didn't like it."
"Everyone likes McDonald's, it's just not good for you." Gino catching on,
"You thought I was being a dick?" Ellie nodded making him chuckle,
"Not the case at all, is McDonald's really what you want?" Ellie nodded nervously looking up at Gino blocking her from moving but, 'I don't want to move, I like being under his eyes. From any angle.'
"You got it, princess." Ellie's mouth parted in shock hearing that from GINO! He walks off knowing well on what he just did, a huge smile on his face heading to athletics.
"Sup my boys!" The guys raise their eyebrows at a surprisingly joyful Gino.
"Someone got laid." Gino's rolls his eyes,
"Haha! Very funny!" His friends chuckle,
"What's got you so happy?" Danny asks putting weights on Gino's bar. All his friends waiting for an answer. "It finally happened." The guys go crazy!
"She told you she likes you?! Did yall kiss?! Are yall dating?!" So many questions were asked, Gino shrugs his shoulders. "I don't kiss and tell." The guys get crazier making Gino light up more!
"Awe man bro, well what happened?" Gino got quite,
"Well.... It's kind of difficult to explain but, she basically told me I'm the only person she finds and that makes her want to do things even tho I had been horrible to her. It's like she wants to submit to me in a way. Like she wants to be my everything." Danny oats Ginos back, "Looks like you are getting everything you ever wanted."
"Yeah, my dad freaked out saying he is going to send me away but, I think when he sees how happy I can make Ellie he won't."
"I doubt he will. Your dad is kind of a pussy." Gino nods, "Yup and that's why I'm like this, a huge mountain with anger issues because I refuse to ever be weak." Gino's friends shake their heads,
"You need therapy."
"I have therapy now, it's Ellie. She makes me calm." They guys smile at Gino not believing what they are hearing. "Didn't know you were such a lover kind of guy."
"For the right girl, I am." The guys throw towels at Gino picking on him but loving this for him at the same time!
Ellie sitting in class, Troy walks in taking his seat next to Ellie. "Alright, you and your lab partners are going to be growing crystals, these are going to be donated and sold at the school gift shop! Please are going to be taking home your beautiful science art! Take pride in it!"
The class got started, Ellie not wanting to talk about the confusing kiss that set on sparks inside her.
"Ellie, I know you felt something...." Ellie closes her eyes recalling the same feeling, "Troy, you are the only safe person I have in my life.... Don't do this please." Tears flooding her eyes, "Let me take care of you Ellie. You can come love with me, my mom already told you!" Ellie looking around hoping no one is hearing this, "Ellie I like you like I really really like you. How can you say you don't feel the same?"
"Because I don't Troy, there is a big connection Troy and I'm not saying that your not attractive and that you aren't perfect because you are I'm just not there yet. I don't like you enough I need more."
"You want me to hurt you? You want me to be mean to you? That's all Gino ever did and now your up his ass?!"
"Fuck you." Ellie ran out of class walking over to the athletics gym walking in ignoring the male gaze.
"Whoa, Gino! Ellie is here!"
'How do they know my name?' Door bust open, Gino walks out heading to Ellie seeing her clearly upset. His big hand grabs Ellie's face gently,
"Who made you cry?"
"Me, for trusting someone I shouldn't have confided in." Gino frowns down at Ellie and pulls her into his arms tightly, all the guys turning into goo seeing Gino soft for Ellie. Her arms wrap around his waist tightly, his embrace warm and genuine.
"Can you take me home?" Gino nods handing her his keys and phone. "Go wait in the truck, I'll be there in a sec. Gonna grab the rest of my stuff."
Ellie did as told, Ellie climbed into the truck and got comfy with the heater on. Gino's phone lights up, Ellie debating to go through it or not since he doesn't have a passcode on it.
    The door opened Gino looking at Ellie looking at his phone as it dings, he smirks seeing Ellie worried if there is others. "It's your mom." Gino says snapping Ellie out of her horrible thoughts.
   "What?" She asks looking at him,
  "Your mom, it's who's texting me. She is probably freaking out because I usually call her when I see you in the lot."
  "What took you so long?" Ellie asks realizing everyone is out of class now. Hi I chuckles resting his head on the seat, "I had a conversation with Troy." Ellie sits up in fear, "What did you do?" Gino shakes his head,
   "Don't worry I didn't hurt him much. Just a swift punch to the gut." Ellie covers her face mortified by Gino's actions. "He is my friend Gino. You didn't have to do that!"
   "He likes you more that a friend and you him."
   "Even if I did like him he is not the one I want...." Ellie muttered under her breath making Gino light up inside. "Ellie, I'd really like it if you would speak up a little more. Please." Gino's sweet voice made Ellie feel a little more comfortable, her eyes on her hands she speaks, "I said that.... Even if I did like him, he is not who I want." Ellie's eyes filling with tears worried about being rejected and also ready to get this weight lifted off her shoulder and make her intentions clear.
   "Who do you want then?" Ellie smirks wiping her tears, "You."
  Shel was watching not to far on the ramp watching Ellie and Gino talk, all she can see is Ellie crying and Gino holding her face. Panic sets inside her and she rushes over to the truck swinging Ellie's door open.
   "Get your hands off of her!" Ellie giggles at Shel wiping her tears, "Shel, what's going on?" Shel takes a moment to read the truck.... "I thought he was hurting you..." Gino clenches his jaw hating that she dread for Ellie, Gino would never really hurt Ellie out of real anger. Being rough is his kink and Ellie seems to be fine with it for the most part.
   "No, I'm done we are fine. Shel, I love you. You don't have to worry about me okay?" Shel sighs deeply and nods leaving Ellie and Gino alone.
  "I'm happy you have such great friends."
  Gino seethed under his teeth turning his truck on, Ellie can sense the annoyance in his voice.
   "At least she loves me." Gino nods,
   "You don't think I could love you?" Gino drives off on the way home, "Why would you want too? Just to say you could? That doesn't make me feel very special."
   Gino wanted to punch himself for seeing it from her view,
     "I can see where you think that is what I was trying to say but it's not. I was asking to see if you trusted me to try. Which means you have to try too and I would like to try Ellie.... I told you when I have a girl I'm good I don't even have you yet and I want to be so good to you. I've realized I like making you happy."
    "Is this all because I made the first move?" Gino smirks, "I didn't know how you felt till you did. It used to annoy me how perfect you were then I realized it annoyed me so much because I wasn't supposed too."
    "Liking me was frustrating..." Ellie giggles about it making Gino chuckle, "I do want to talk about something." Gino says pulling up to the house.
   "Can we talk about it after I shower? I want to get this day off of me. It was horrible."
  "Yeah." Gino got out and wrapped his arms around Ellie to help her down, Gino holding Ellie close to him not letting her feet touch the earth just yet.
  "How can I make your day better?" Ellie stomach growls right on Que. "Some food would be nice..."
   "I thought so but is there anything else?"
   Ellie and Gino's attention on their parents cars pulling up to the house quickly.
   "Put her down!" Ronald shouts at Gino, Ellie and Gino look into each others eyes. "I don't want to lose you..." Ellie's shaking voice broke Gino's heart,
   "Remember when I put my hand on your stomach this morning?" Ellie's eyes widen,
  "Gino.... No..."
   "They won't take we are in love. They will still rip us apart. My dad may be scared of me but, he will send me away in cuffs if he has too." Both of their parents arguing Ellie debates it for a second....
    "I'll go along with whatever they will accept and make pregnancy the last resort please..." Gino nodded putting Ellie down, her arms wrapped around Gino's arm tightly. "Dad... Please calm down..." Their parents become calm shocked by Gino's gentle tone.
  Ellie looks at her mom, "Mom... Can yall please just leave this alone.... Me and Gino are good. There is nothing to worry about."
    "He is your step brother, this isn't fucking twilight!"
   "We didn't chose who yall got to marry. You can't chose who we can date. It's not our fault two strangers instantly liked each other from the beginning."
   "What?! Gino treats you like shit, Ellie!"
   "And it didn't bother you till he didn't." Ellie says making the argument stop completely, Gino smirks happy Ellie won this without him having to say a word.
   "Y'all can go back to your regular lives where yall pretend we don't exists." Gino says as Ellie pulls him to the house, Their parents not knowing what to do or what to think left together to figure it out.
   Ellie shook her hands off freaking out,
   "Holy shit! I can't believe I just did that!" Gunk pulls Ellie into a tight hug. "What made you do that?" Ellie looks up at Gino, "They were going to send you away..." Gino has been dying to kiss Ellie since the living room but, he has been holding back scared to push Ellie's boundaries to soon.
    "What did you want to talk about?" Gino shakes his head, "It's not important." Ellie frowns,
   "It's important if you wanted to bring it up..."
   Gino places his hand around Ellie throat,
   "Drop it." Ellie's panties flooded,
   "No." Gino grins squeezing just a tad,
   "Drop it." Ellie fighting to hold back a smile, this feels.... 'Fun.'
   "Are you trying not to smile?" Gino teases Ellie letting go of her, Ellie becomes embarrassed covering her face. "Hey... It's nothing to be ashamed of." Gino pulling Ellies hands away gently, "Really?" She asks with her angel eyes that, 'Drive me crazy!' Gino said to himself as he gazed down at her. "Really. You like what you like."
   Gino has never made Ellie feel comfortable for who she was till now, his words even seem real and genuine to her and it's because they are!
   "Gino.... Are we still doing what I offered or are you looking for more? This seems like a lot more..."
   Ellie leans into Gino's hand on her cheek loving his gentle touch, "I want more, do you want more?" Ellie ready to tell him the truth, finally!
    "I do." Gino's arm wraps around Ellie waist,
   "I've been craving to kiss those lips..." Gino's husky voice made Ellie fantasize of Gino and her making out in her bed where things go a little to far...
   "Why haven't you found out?"
   "Waiting." Ellie looks away smiling,
   "Um, I'm gonna get this day off me." Ellie and Gino split ways for a bit more, reflecting on today's conversations. 
   Ellie's bed felt different as she tossed and turned,
  'It feels really lonely, more than ever... Should I go ask if I can sleep with him?' Ellie sighed gaining her courage but stopped at Gino's door. 'Be brave...'
   Ellie opened the door knowing she is supposed to knock, Gino sits up in his bed. Their eyes meet, Gino didn't say anything he just pulled the covers for Ellie. She got comfortable beside him, Gino waited till she was asleep to go to sleep himself since he wasn't sure why she had came to his room. The only thing he could think of was she needed his presence and that was exactly what she needed.
    Ellie woke in the morning Gino awake reading a book he sees her moving a bit and puts his book down. Ellie's body ignites as Gino's lips kiss Ellie's cheek gently repeatedly. "Good morning beautiful."
   "Beautiful?" Ellie mutters, Gino tickles her a bit,
  "Yes, beautiful."
    "Why aren't you out with the boys?"
   "Why be out with the boys with I have my girl laying right here next to me."
   Ellie turns over quickly looking at Gino with a fast beating heart! "Your what?" Gino smirks,
   "No pressure, I just I hope you don't mind if I feel that way for you."
   "Who the fuck are you?" Gino chuckles lightly shaking his head, "Nothing, I told you. When I got a girl, I got a girl. I'm different I don't know how to explain it."
"What are you doing today?" Ellie asks wanting to change the subject, "Whatever you want to do. We can stay here we can go out we can go eat. Whatever."
"How about you plan something?" Gino nods looking down at Ellie, "Go get ready." Ellie smiled and rushed off to shower and get ready, she is nervous of course but, she wants to soak this up the best she can.
"Troy is calling you. You left your phone on my bed." Gino stands in-front of Ellie in her towel waiting for her to answer the call. "Um, hello?"
Gino whispers, "Speaker." Ellie nods,
"Hey, um. Your step brother is like into you, you know that right?"
"Please don't call him my step brother we have never seen each other as siblings we barely know each other."
"You are into him aren't you?"
"Why do you think I've let him do all these horrible things to me? I may have cried about it but not because of the pain I cried because I wanted him."
"You are sick Ellie, you know that? He is going to hurt you! He is going to abuse you! Have you not realized what he is capable of?!"
Gino sits down on Ellie and covering his face knowing he doesn't have a good reputation and Ellie knows that; she also doesn't care.
"Troy, I know what I'm doing. I trust Gino, to be the good person I know he can be. He's prove quiet well so far might I say." Gino uncovers his face surprised, Ellie cling the towel to her body. "Don't come crying to me when it's over. I'm no one's second choice."
Ellie hung up and handed her phone to Gino,
"Happy?" Gino smirks nodding, Ellie smiles sweetly and walks back to her bathroom to get dressed.
"Oh wow.." Gino's heart skipped a beat seeing Ellie in a new fall dress that hugs the right places but is flowing on the right places. "What?" Ellie asks putting her necklace on, Gino squints his eyebrows getting off the bed. His fingers dip into Ellie's shirt making her whimper, he pulls out the locket Gino had gave her for her birthday. "I thought you threw this in the pool..."
Ellie looks up at Gino, "I did, I went back in for it when you were sleeping. You may have not ever noticed but, I've wore it ever since."
"What's the picture inside?"
"Well, I don't have one in there..." Gino smirks his hand on Ellie's cheek, "Ellie I really like you."
"You do?" Gino chuckles lightly,
"Um, yeah. Like a lot." They both giggle,
"Gino.... I'm kind of scared of how close we are getting. This is all new to me and I'm scared I'm going to like mess up or make you mad." Gino smirks kissing Ellie's forehead, "Change is scary but, it's fun too." Ellie smiles following Gino to his truck, their parents stop them at the door. "Where are you two going?"
"It's a surprise for Ellie. I planned a day date for us so yall won't freak out." Gino says calmly, Randal's and Sandra look at each other, "Where is Gino and who are you?" Ronald asks not believing this good guy act.
"Look dad, we have never seen eye to eyes and I know im difficult but, Me and Ellie, this is real. I'm not trying to hurt anyone anymore, all I want to do is take care of your daughter Sandra and if she wants me to I will. Ellie makes me calm, she makes me better and I make her braver. Dad, Ellie is who I want she is the only essences of light and joy I have have. Don't take that for me please, Sandra, Dad.... Let me make her happy."
Ellie laces her fingers with Gino making an untied front, Sandra watching Ellie gazing at Gino like she is going to lose her lot of gold. 'My daughter is in love...' Sandra though to her self,
'My son is falling in love?' Ronald thought to himself, both of them looked at each other,
"Go." They both said at the same time, Ellie and Ginos faces lit up so fast! Ellie and Gino hugged their parents tightly, Ronald in shock but still hugs his son back savoring this moment.
   Ronald and Sandra watch them drive off from the porch with smiles on their faces, "He hasn't hugged me since he was ten." Sandra giggles hugging her husband,
   "I hope they can make each other happy..."
   "Me too, I wouldn't mind them ending up together if they are like this all the time." Sandra nods breathing in the fresh air, "Well we have the house to ourselves..." Ronald wasted no time taking his wife to bed, Gino and Ellie wearing bright beautiful smiles riding a high that won't seem to burn out!
   "Are we going to the gardens?!" Ellie asks quietly but excited, Gino feels warmth in his chest seeing the light inside Ellie again along with sadness that he was the reason it has dimmed. "What's wrong?" Ellie asks catching Gino looking at her with sad eyes,
   "Nothing I just, I feel bad for making you feel rejected and sad.... Like I don't think I'll ever forgive myself."
   Ellie smirks putting the middle counsel up into the seat, Gino watches her side close to him. His heart racing as she grabs his hand placing it around her throat, "I like this, and I like when you push me against walls and I like it when you get jealous I like it when you tap my face when I'm being a brat. What I didn't like was your word at times, they cut me but this.... This the way you handle me, don't ever be sorry for that."
   Gino is rock hard, his big hand around Ellie's small throat made his body ache to have her on top of him! Gino lets go of Ellie's neck gripping the steering wheel,
    Gino's man hood going soft slowly,
    "Did I do something wrong?" Gino looks at Ellie shaking his head with a kind smile, "No, you are prefect." He kisses her forehead and helps her out of his truck, the garden is five miles long it's like a beautiful maze, they even have workers spread through the area to help others find their way out.
   "I know how long you have been wanting to come here."
   "It's so much more glorious than I thought it'd be!" Ellie running to the bed of flowers laying in them like others have been. Gino standing over Ellie, she reaches out for his hand. "Come down here." He shakes his head chuckling, "Na, I'm not fruity."
   "Flowers are not fruity." Ellie grabs Gunks hand pulling him down catching him off guard he falls on top of her catching himself from smashing into her.
    Ellie worried he would be mad that he almost fell in his face and Gino stuck look down at Ellie under him for the first time. Both of their hearts racing fast, Gino tucks hair behind Ellie's ear.
   "Am I allowed to touch you now?" He chuckles grabbing Ellie's hand placing it on his cheek, Ellie bites her lip as she examines Gino's face. Her fingertips on his lips. Gino kiss them lightly, his hand grabs Ellie's, lips tracking down Ellie's arm causing a the want frenzy to begin! His eyes on hers never leaving them, his teeth bite into her flesh a slight bit of pain mixed with pleasure when his teeth release. His lips kissing tenderly the spot he bit, he smirks at his mark.
    "I love seeing me on you." Gino whispers in Ellie's ear, "Me too." She breaths out scared to make any kind of move on Gino, her instincts telling her to let him be in control. "You do? Really?" Ellie nods,
   "I kind of love it..." Ellie smiles as Gino pulls her to her feet, "that's what I wanted to talk to you about, I didn't want to do anything you didn't feel okay with or didn't want."
  "I want you Gino. I'm not scared to say it anymore." He smiles so big at her making her glow, all she ever wanted was to make him happy.
   "Don't be scared to tell me anything." Ellie nods Gino pecks her forehead tenderly, Ellie's attention snaps to a picture sound going off. A woman in her 20s smiles handing me a QR code. "It'll have your picture in there to download for free. Just @ me if you upload it please." Ellie and Gino take it happily, their first picture together, both of them curious to see it they scan the code scrolling for their picture.
   "Oh wow, she took more than one..." Ellie says seeing their heated moments that never went anywhere to her disappointment. "We look really good together." Gino says hovering over Ellie,
   "We do." Ellie agrees taking Gino's hand in hers leading the way to food. "Mmm corn dogs...." Gino sighs rubbing his face, "Why must you love junk food?" Ellie shrugs her shoulders, "Didn't grow up like you I guess. Mom was poor we ate junk for a while till she got a career and now look at us. Our house is beautiful and I can eat whatever I want and I don't have to settle."
    "I get it now." Ellie smirks,
   "Get whatever you want princess."
   'Did he just call me princess?!' Ellie was dying inside!
   "I want a corn dog and chili cheese fries and a huge lemonade." Gino and the cashier chuckle, Gino catching the Cashier checking Ellie out.
   "Keep your eyes to yourself." Gino said calmly, like a death threat, Ellie grabs Gino's hand lacing their fingers. "Gino.... After we are done, can we go back home and hangout?"
    "You don't wanna be out?"
   "I like being home and I wanna be alone with you. It's easier to talk."
   "We can do whatever you want."
   "Okay, let's go home after we eat." Gino wanted to make Ellie used to telling him what she wanted. He doesn't like guessing games and he likes Ellie saying what she wants or needs not being scared.
   "How's the corn dog?"
   "Mmm so yummy, and you? How's your salad?" Ellie pokes at him, Gino looks down at his bland salad and chuckles,
  "Kind of sad." They both laugh poking at his leafs.
   "This is not even a salad. This is just a joke." Ellie giggles at his frustration. "You want me to make you a grilled cheese?" Gino sits up highly interested,
    "A grilled cheese? I thought you said you wouldn't make that for me anymore." Gino's heart warming up seeing Ellie getting shy, "Well you made me mad that day. Has it been torture? Not having your grilled cheese fix?"
   Gino clenched his jaw, "I have." Ellie smiles,
   "Good!" She squeals sweetly making the temper evaporate in a split second.
   "So are you gonna make me one? Or like five?" Gino asks with his bad boy puppy eyes that make Ellie swoon. "I'll make you how ever many you want."
   "And the berry sauce!" Ellie giggles nodding,
   "And the berry sauce." Ellie loves seeing Gino get excited for her cooking, the appreciation has always been great when she cooked for him except that one day that made her stop.
   "I'm sorry for that day, it was prefect I was mad about something else and I took it out on you. Everything you had ever made me was delicious and made me happy."
   Ellie's eyes fill with happy tears,
   "Cooking is my love language Gino, it just hurt a lot." He frowns pulling Ellie on to his lap holding her close to him. "I'm so sorry princess..." Ellie saw the perfect moment to speed things up,
   "Take me home and make me feel better." Ellie gave Gino her angel eyes, Gino places one kiss on Ellie's neck, "Okay."  Ellie's eyes closed savoring the flame on her neck, "Can you do that more." Gino's smiling down at her wit her eyes closed, "Now?" The asks looking around, Ellie opens her eyes bitting her lip trying to be a good girl. "Unless you are ashamed of me?" Gino chuckles tossing his head back, "You don't know what you just allowed me to do by saying that."
   "What?" Gino grabs Ellie's hand pulling her to the truck, Ellie sitting nervously as he drives home.
   "Am I in trouble?" Gino pulls Ellie close to him,
   "Not at all. You have a the biggest green light ever. I'm happy. Very happy." Ellie is confused, she doesn't know what he is talking about but, if he is happy 'I'm happy.' Ellie smiles to herself as they head inside their empty home, the doors lock behind Ellie Gino warps his arms around her waist. "Thank you for spending the day with me, if you don't have any plans, would you like to spend the evening with me?" Gino's dark voice in her ear, his arms wrapped tightly from behind. Gino's fingertips moving hair away from Ellie's neck, her heart wanting to give out from its speed! His chin resting on her shoulder, "I had plans."
   "Mmm, had?" Ellie nods smiling as Gino turns her around. "Had."
   "A date?" Ellie giggles shaking her head,
   "No, we are lab partners. We have to grow 1000 crystals and we wanted to get a head start so we could free up our time for the rest of weekends."
   "Free up time to spend with each other?" Gino clenches his jaw looking down at her, jealousy filling him to the brim. Ellie places her hand on his face calming the beast instantly. "The only time I've ever wanted was yours." Ellie slides her hand behind his neck tired of this cat and mouse game she crashes her lips on his. Gino groans against her lips feeling the agony of want biting him to pieces! Ellie's body reacting instinctively, her legs grasp around Gino's waist taking him by surprise. His hands holding her close to him, Tears flood Ellie's eyes not wanting this moment to end, not wanting it to die out, wanting it to go further!
    "Mmm, Gino...."
   "Yeah princess?" His lips not wanting to leave hers,
   "I want you."  For the first time ever, Gino was scared out of his mind. He had never had sex before!
   "Um, this is your first time?" He asks sounding unsure making Elllie feel a tad bit rejected.
   "Yeah..." Gino debates telling her the truth,
   'I have to tell her, she always tells me the truth.'
   He takes a breath in looking Ellie dead in her eyes,
   "It'll be my first time too."
   "What? You act like..." Gino chuckles nodding, moving his way up to Ellie's room,
   "I know what I act like. I've never been with anyone that makes me want to do it. With you, I'm fighting back every urge every second." Ellie back meets her bed, Gino can feel her heart beating heart against his lips as they press against her chest.
  Ellie and Gino shoot in from the bed hearing the front door slam, they quickly sit side by side turning a movie on quickly with huge smile son their faces. Both of them bust out laughing as their parents rush the door, Sandra and Ronald look at them suspiciously when they are just watching a comedy movie.
   "How was YALLS day date?" They asks wanting their attention, Ellie can't stop smiling Sandra sees the glow in her daughter and it makes her over the moon happy even though she worried Gino is no good for her.
   "It was pretty amazing." Ellie giggles covering her face, Sandra finally able to feel good about this laughs at Ellie's shyness. Ronald smiling at Gino seeing him pull Ellie into him to comfort her.
   'He actually cares about her....' Ronald is shocked, hoping it lasts forever.
   Sandra sits on the bed looking at Gino and Ellie for a moment then grabs their hands.
   "I just want yall to be happy. If this ends badly how dose this work as a family?"
    "I'm not going to lose Ellie once she is mine, my goal is to be her person. No matter how crazy that sounds, I don't care how young we are, I got a feeling we are gonna make it, can make it."
   "It just doesn't sound realistic." Ronald sighs,
   "If they think they can, let them try." Gino didn't expect to get support from his dad!
    "Really?" Gino sat up, his dad nods, Gino rushed his dad hugging him tightly. Ronald feeling a change in the house, it feels light and warm.
   "We should get to bed honey."
   Gino pulled Ellie into his arms holding her close to him, 'Another green light, this feels so good...'
    "Ellie I know I asked you the other day and you said no...."
   "Do you think it's a little fast?"
   "No. It feels like you're supposed to be mine."
    "I want to say yes but, I'm scared." He chuckles making her look him in his eyes.
   "Let me take care of you, please. I'm really good at this, let me show you." Ellie sighs nodding,
     "Yes." He smiles pressing his lips on hers sending Ellie into cloud nine, "Kissing you feels to good." Ellie breathed out, Gino nods against hers.
   "Because it's right." Gino says seriously looking into Ellie's eyes, "Why dose everything feel so intense with us?"
   "I don't know, I know it's scary but, I'm liking it too." They both giggle agreeing,
   "Hold me please, I feel like going to crumble." Gino chuckles holding her tight against him.
   "I got you."
   Yeahhhh he did!

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