Getting to know them

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Two weeks passed since William met the resident's of the hotel.

The remodeling of the new rooms were complete, now they were better furnished, new equipment like a radio's, tv's, telephones, tables along with new silk beds became the norm for all the guestrooms.

The hotel also received new rooms and activities, like a pool, gaming areas, spa rooms, gym and a new restaurant.

The back of the hotel also received a new small park with a small walkway leading to a fountain. Trees of various kinds scattered around the small park.

They also added a kids club, in hopes of attracting even hellborn who wanted a break.

The restaurant was themed after a classy 1920's look, giving it a homey feeling. However it wasn't yet open, as it hadn't any cook's.

The personnel that managed these spaces were all under William's control.

He would resolve the staff problem soon, just not now.

As for the resident's of the hotel.

Charlie seemed to love the new additions to the hotel, Vaggie although restless, enjoyed the new gym opened in the morning when she had nothing to do. She still didn't accept Will into the hotel.

Angel liked to visit the spa after working at the studio for most of the day.

The personnel there were a pair of twins that looked identical if different from each other.

The new additional personnel were given instructions to not cause the hotel problem's, even if it means following the rules of the hotel. Although some didn't like it, they knew better than to disobey William.

The only one unsatisfied with the new changes, was Alastor, but only because the TV's were added to the room's. Other than that the radio host enjoyed the new park, reminding him of simpler times.

Speaking of which.

Charlie: "For today's trust exercises, we will be telling each other something interesting we have done recently!"

The enthusiasm wasn't shared with her guest's.

The trust exercises were something they had been doing almost daily, but took the form of different activities they did together.

Even the staff weren't spared.

The last trust exercise ended with Angel Dust running away from Alastor with nuggets, his pet pig.

William didn't mind the exorcizes, he enjoyed a few of them, however this one.

Angel Dust: "Well if it's something interesting, I believe I can show you-"

Vaggie: "Your work life doesn't count, Angel" She deadpanned

Angel scoffed

Aloe: "But princess, we haven't done anything interesting in a few years"

Vera: "So what should we say?"

Aloe and Vera were the new masseurs' that worked at the spa. They were twins, however one really couldn't tell by looking at them.

Aloe was a sheep demon, eyes like a cat's, red fur covering her hair and a devious smile on her face. She was on the shorter side.

Vera on the other hand, was a goat demon with large horns. She always looked disgruntled like someone owed her a debt or that she was deep in one. She stood only a few inches smaller than Alastor

Charlie: "Well, what about at interesting fact about yourself, if you can't think of anything interesting"

Husker grunted loudly.

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