Chapter 47- His Dangerous Smile

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" I'm so sorry," She said and she quickly blocked my vision from the driver, I couldn't deny the fact that who I saw looked like my father, it wasn't my eyes messing with me, I knew what I saw.

I blinked my eyes before I turned to the woman, if anything she didn't look sorry.

I looked to where their car hit mine and there wasn't much damage and we were blocking the road, luckily there weren't many cars.

" It's okay, it isn't something I can't fix, just be careful next time."

" Oh darling, it's absolutely not okay, I want to fix it." No, she didn't, she looked like she wanted to be out of here as soon as possible, she was just doing all this out of courtesy.

" No ma'am it's fine, and besides if we don't leave here we will be causing traffic which might attract the police."

" Oh okay, I'm sorry once again." I expected that she would go into her car but instead, she looked like she was waiting for me to go first, I looked at the driver's side but now the glass was rolled up and it was tinted so that no one could see inside. Not once did the driver come out to see what was happening.

I got back into my car and drove off.

When I got home I went straight to the kitchen, the maid was making something and as soon as the smell of what she was making hit my nose I wretched everything into the kitchen sink, I thought I was past the stage of vomiting, I think it was because of the stress of today, it was messing with my stomach.

" Are you okay ma'am?" The maid asked as she rushed to stand behind me, when I had cleaned my mouth she handed me what looked like mint, I thanked her as it was much needed, I didn't want to have my mouth tasting weird.

" It seems you don't like what I'm making, Is there something you would like to eat?" She asked me seeming truly concerned.

" Anything is fine, but not that please, no offense but I think that smells unsettling and it's making my stomach roll, it's not your fault it's the pregnancy." I didn't want her to think she wasn't a good cook, and usually Rena makes my food but I told her to let others do it so nobody thinks I favor one person over the other.

" Okay, I'll bring it up to your room."  I smiled at her as I grudgingly walked up the room, being pregnant is fun, yee.

As soon as I got into my room and closed the door my phone vibrated in my pocket, I wondered who it was this time, could it be my dad again? What does he want?

Without checking the call in fear that my assumption might just be wrong I picked it.

" Hello," I said in a low voice.

" Jane? Why do you sound so down?" Hardin. Somehow I felt disappointed but I quickly pushed the feeling down.

" I'm good just s little tired."

" Oh, okay, so are you home now?" With Hardin, I felt like he was that friend I could talk to but at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to tell him what was going on in my life, what if she judged me? As much as not many people know what I've done, I have a feeling that if they did, they'll surely judge me.

" Yeah I'm home, just got in, and had a little accident on the way here."

" Accident?!" I had to remove the phone from my ear because of how loud that came out…

" I'm sorry for my outburst, what happened? You didn't get hurt in any way right?" He asked with worry evident in his voice.

" I'm absolutely fine, a car just bumped into mine and it was a minor thing, no harm came to me." I heard him audible sigh in relief.

" Thank God you're okay, I have to go now, I have practice now." He said suddenly sounding like he was in a rush and I knew it was time for him to go.

" Okay, bye, good luck with your practice."

" Thanks, bye." This was the second time Hardin was calling me today and I didn't know how to feel about it.

I went into the bathroom to have a much-needed bath, I soaked my skin into the hot bath and the water calmed my nerves. I couldn't help but think back to everything that happened today, first at the gathering, all the speaker said was important and good information but all I felt while sitting down there was pain, then the accident where I was sure the driver looked like my dad. It was indeed a strange day.

After soaking my skin in the scented bath I got out and dried my body with a towel then I covered myself with a fluffy robe and went into my room. I was feeling hungry but my appetite was low.

I was applying cream on my body when a knock came at the door, I knew it was the maid that was bringing my food so I told her to come in. But when she came into the room, she wasn't holding anything. I didn't want to go downstairs.

" Ma'am, Boss asked me to call you over so you can eat together." What?! He's home? I thought he was supposed to be at work. I don't want to deal with him now.

" Go tell him I'm sleeping or something, I'm not in, you didn't see me." I blabbed.

" But ma'am?"

" Go!" I was losing my mind now I was taking out my anger on her, but right now I didn't want to be with Markus.

" I'm sorry but just make something up,  I'm not leaving this room." Now I was even making the maid lie on my behalf.

" Okay ma'am," she said in fright before rushing out of the room, now I felt like a totally horrible person, I couldn't even face Markus, how did I expect her to face him?

I quickly got dressed and rushed to my bed to cover myself and closed my eyes but I'm sure anyone who entered the room could hear my heartbeat. For some minutes I didn't hear anyone open the door and I began to calm down but my relief was short-lived as the door opened but instead of one footstep I heard several footsteps.

I opened my eyes to see maids setting a table and what even shocked me more was when I saw Markus's face, he had a smile.

A smile?

He was definitely up to something.

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