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The wanting started within Ellie two months before her fourteenth birthday, she had been confused why every girl in school was suddenly into boys, Ellie wasn't feeling the same attraction her female peers had and it wasn't because she didn't like boys she just had yet to laid eyes on a boy that sparks The Want inside a young ladies core.
   Of course that all changed and by all that, I mean her life.
   Ellie lives in a single household, her mom her soul guardian, dad rotting in federal prison. Living in a small suburb close to the city in a safe place where trees provide protection and privacy. Ellie loves where she lives, she loves her mom and her school, she loves her quiet simple life with her quiet simple friends who enjoy quiet hangouts and unconventional fun other teens find lame like arcades, bowling, hanging out with their families;families.
   She has it all except the whole boyfriend thing that her friend have but, Ellie didn't mind not having any interest in boys, she felt happy occupying her time with other things. Things that actually matter to her. Like seeing her mom change...

    Ellie had noticed her mom was glowing a few months before her birthday but didn't bring it up she was just happy to see that her mom looked full of light for once and then her mom told her....
  "I have been seeing someone, he makes me really happy and I want you to meet him...."
   Ellie was nervous but was more than willing to do this for her mom, "Okay mommy, well when do I meet him?"
   "Well that's the thing honey, it's not just him. We met at a single parents support group and well, he has a son too." 
  Ellie didn't really care to pay any mind to that fact, she was sure she could manage a step brother, how hard could it be and seeing her mom this happy; she knew it could definitely be a possibility from the start. Ellie reassured her mom that she was fine with meeting them, possibly having a family, them moving here because that was her only line she wouldn't break. She wouldn't change her life. Ellie's mom agreed, and soon it was the night of  THE dinner and Ellie was about to meet Randol and his son.
   Ellie and her mom got pretty for dinner at home for the first time ever. "I feel so formal..."
   "I know but you look teen formal not to much. What about me?"
   "Mom you look cute af." Ellie hyped her mom up both of their hearts dropped hearing knocking at the door. The door opened and a handsome gentleman greeted Ellie and her mom with flowers, Ellie smiling so big at the flowers her mom's date gave her. It was a sweet sentiment, Ellie's gaze leaves the flowers feeling a presence take Ronald's place. Her heart rushed so fast, legs shaking, Ellie's throat became dry as she became weak to the feeling of desire and the waking of her attraction to this need to want to know him immediately. Dark eyes, long dark eyelashes, moody pouty lips and a string jaw line to flush his prefect mean boy look. Ellie notices he looks tired, dark circles fading from sleepless nights.
   "Well are you going to take these or not?" His rudeness caught Ellie by surprise, his beauty didn't match his tone at all. Though his voice ran over Ellie's skin like velvet. "Oh!" Ellie snatched them from him nervously and instantly cringed at herself infront of him. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snatch them..."
   "This is my son, Gino Rico Marino." Gino offered Ellie his hand, her eyes on his hand scared to touch him. 'A boy that makes me weak in the knees shouldn't touch me.... This feels weird!' Ellie was freaking out but didn't want to be rude. "Ellie." I glance at my mom, everyone starting at me, Gino made Ellie swoon! The contact of his hand grabbing hers, taking charge of her. He took her hand in his being increasingly impatient and wanting to get this moment over with but also wanting to have some fun with it seeing how Ellie clearly wants him. He pulls Ellie hand to his lips taking it one step further and presses his lips to her flesh.
   "I'm Gino." His dark eyes looking down at her sweet innocent self, 'She is definitely a virgin.... Sweet.' Gino thought to himself, Ellie would have blushed more visibly if she not gotten the most beautiful tan skin the creator ever did give. She smiled pulling her hand away and moved to her mom being shy, everyone chuckling at Ellie, cursing herself for being so childish in every way she possibly could have, made her cringe!
   "Mommy, can I go to April's  tomorrow?"
   "Mommy?" Gino scoffs softly but loud enough for Ellie to hear, she had to bite her lip to keep from crying. She had never been bullied or made fun of at all and never in her own home before. Ellie's mom had glanced at Ellie seeing her eyes red knowing they turn red when she is upset and holding it back.
  "Ellie?" Ellie got up quietly with a kind smirk on her face and walked over to her mom and Roland.
  "It was nice meeting you Roland and your son, I do have a lot of studying to do, I hope you can forgive me."
  Ellie made a graceful exit, her eyes on the steps as she climbed the stairs, her sense feeling eyes on her she took a glance at Gino before vanishing to her room.
   Ellie told her friends about what happened, they all gave her different ways of handling the situation and gave her different types of advice but none of them sounded logical or helpful. Those girls were thinking with their vaginas not their brains and Ellie was wanting to use her brain to try and make living with this boy possible. Ellie had no doubt in her mind she was going to get that talk about Randol and Gino moving in.
    Ellie had spent the next two months trying to be the best sister she could possibly be to Gino, He would bother for simple tasks he didn't want to do himself, cooking, cleaning, getting him water at 2am, letting him manhandle her when he was in a mood and never telling anyone because she secretly liked any form of attention he gave her.... Yet, at every turn her hurt her, mentally and emotionally, and at some from of physical. In front of others he played the nice, caring brother but when Ellie was forced to spend a little more independent time with him he was rude and mean to her. It was all a part of his plan to make her as weak as possible to make her vulnerable. He wanted her but, he wasn't ready to stop having fun with his toy.
     *present day age 14, Friday*
       Ellie alarm didn't go off, Ellie heart raced as soon as she heard Gino shout, "You better be ready!" His he deep demanding voice, Ellie already knew he was in a bad mood and now he was going to be livid because Ellie was not ready. Tears pouring down her face hearing him walking to her door she pulls her pj bottoms on quickly and rushes to her adjoining  bathroom. "Ellie?!"
   "It's okay, Just go without me! I have my own car!" Ellie spoke as sweetly and kindly as she possibly could even when he was hurting her. "Na, you know the rules. I go to school, you ride with me."
   "What if I don't want to ride with you?" The air fell dead.... "Open the fucking door." Ellie wipes her tears away curing herself, her shaking hand twists the knob.
   The door bangs against the wall as Gino pins her against it, his hand wrapped around her throat.
   "Gino, please...." His wicked dark eyes looking down into Ellie but, she won't look into his eyes.
   "Did I fucking ask if you wanted to ride with me?"
   "No..." Ellie mutters keeping her eyes off of his face because, 'I hate that the way he hurts me turns me on to no end.... Why am I like this. If I look in his eyes I might feel something real..'
    "Then get your ass dressed and hurry the fuck up!" Gino shouted in Ellie's face, his thumbs wipe away her tears. "Don't cry, your to pretty for tears." Gino taps her cheek with minimal force and walks out leaving Ellie severely confused about her feelings.
     Ellie got dressed as fast as she could, Gino chuckles watching Ellie struggle to run with all her stuff. The door swings open and Ellie stuff is thrown up into the seat. Ellie pulls herself up in Gino's lifted truck and huffs resting her head against the window.
    "Get your five head off my window." Ellie frowns pulling her head away keeping it down,
   "Why do you hate me?" Ellie broke the silence just as they parked in the lot, Gino looked over at Ellie and felt a hint of guilt. "I don't hate you." Was all he said and got out, Ellie friend Shel rises to the car getting Ellie out comforting Ellie about this morning.
    "I don't understand why you don't tell your mom!"
   "She is happy. I'm not messing that up and I know I'm fucking crazy Shel but, I don't find anyone else attractive he is literally all I fucking see and I hate it! Don't you think if I could like or love anyone else I wouldn't?! I know I'm fucking crazy! I know I shouldn't like some of the stuff he does but, I do and I can't tell on him if I like it because that makes me a hypocrite!"
   "So what are you going to do?" Shel asks frustrated with Ellie already.
   "I'm just going to make a move."
  "He is going to laugh at you and break your spirit." Ellie giggles fixing herself in the mirror,
   "He can break my spirit it he can't have my pride." Shel shook her head and watched Ellie the whole day to make sure she was okay. Shel watched Ellie so well she even saw that Ellie might actually like someone else but won't let go of Gino.
   'I'll have to talk to her about this later...' Shel thought to herself seeing Ellie laughing and smiling with a really cute sweet guy.

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