Chapter thirty-seven

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When the sun set, Rolus was ready. He had dressed casual because Luke said so. On the other hand, Luke left about an hour ago to make touch ups at the lake. He said he would come get Rolus when everything was ready.

Rolus was giddy with anticipation. The more happy he felt with his mate, the more the bond thrived even after they marked.

After about thirty minutes, he felt Luke approach. He stood up, then grabbed his jacket off the bed and wore it. The air outside was chilly.

Luke opened the door and entered. Rolus could smell the anxiety coming from him.

"Let's go. You haven't eaten, right?" Luke asked, rubbing his hands together.

Rolus smiled. He slipped his hand in Luke's. Luke tightened the grip, then they headed out. Luke's nervousness was rubbing off on Rolus. He felt his anticipation fading.

"Are you alright?" Luke asked, sensing the change in mood.

Rolus laughed nervously in response. They passed the foyer, then exited out into the pitch black night. It was a relief because if someone were to venture outside and somehow end up at the lake, they couldn't see them. Rolus was pretty sure that humans could not see in the pitch black night. So, they were safe for when they shifted.

There was something malevolent about the way the sky was too dark with no sign of the moon. Werewolves preferred the moon, so it was unsettling to gaze at the sky and see not even a tint of the moon. The stars weren't bright enough to shed light onto the dark night. Outside was chilly, but calm.

The lake was fenced off, and locked. Luke produced a key, then slotted it into the lock. Rolus was relieved that no one could venture out to the lake. When they entered, Luke locked the gate behind them.

It was a forest inside, and a worn out path was carved that led to the lake. The closer they got to the lake, the more nervous Luke became. Rolus once again held Luke's hand.

The path ended, and what lay beyond was breathtaking. Smooth, oval rocks lined the bank of the lake, with thriving wild flowers decorating the bank.

Even though the night was chilly and eerie, the lake offered them the serenity that they needed. Rolus imagined what the surrounding area would look like had they visited during the day. He imagined that the scenery would be strikingly therapeutic and beautiful like paradise.

What really captivated Rolus was what Luke prepared for them. Rolus chocked up, touched. He looked at Luke, then back at the table that was draped gracefully with a white tablecloth. Rose petals were scattered around the centerpiece of fresh flowers. The bouquet of fresh flowers included roses and lillies, set in a crystal vase.

The soft glow of the candlelight flickered in the gentle breeze, casting warm and inviting light over the table. Champagne flutes stood ready to be filled. There were two covered plates, with a bucket that held a bottle of champagne.

The fact that the gesture was coming from Luke, his mate, was heartwarming.

"Well, what do you think?" Luke asked, his voice cracking.

Rolus turned to his mate. He grabbed Luke's hands, looking into his captivating eyes.

When they were still rivals, Rolus never looked at Luke for long. He never found the colour of eyes something to fawn over, but looking at his mate's brown eyes, he fell in love with the colour brown. He got lost in his eyes, that when Luke called out his name, it broke him out of his enchantment.

"Come on, you can't keep me hanging," Luke chuckled.

"No, no. This is very lovely, Luke. Thank you."

Rolus captured Luke's lips, kissing him vehemently until they paused to catch their breaths. Luke smiled, then let go of Rolus.

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