Kal and The Queen

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Inside the Royal Carriage, Kal rode on the floor and peeked through the closed curtains. She could see buildings and sometimes revelers, and the Queen was right—it was quite a lot. Kal felt a little overwhelmed by the cacophony, and tried to picture herself in a safe locked box to keep her free from harm. She was the Queen's treasure, after all. Hadn't she said?

Kal awed at the spired buildings and their bright colors, yearning to see more. She knew she would later, but these first furtive glances were special because they were hers. She watched them slowly pass by, and thought of Lonnie's words.

The valet wished her well. And...honeymoon? What did she mean by that? Weren't honeymoons for newlyweds? Whatever. Kal wasn't used to the flowery language of the gentry yet. Maybe she meant something different. The gentry were strange like that.

She crossed her legs and sat back against the seat, sighing. It was frustrating to be stuck in the Carriage, away from her Queen, hidden from sight. Not that she thought she'd enjoy that much celebration, but still, she imagined riding in front of the Queen in her saddle, cradled by her warmth. Such thoughts got her through the slow thronging of the crowd and the pace of the Royal parade.

Finally, she heard horns calling, and a booming announcement of the Queen entering the palace gates. Excited, she gathered herself up and sat on the seat like a lady should. Or at least, like she thought a lady should. Her heart pounded as the Royal Carriage slowed and finally ground to a halt.

The door opened, and sunshine streamed in. Kal blinked hard. "My lady," said a footman, offering a hand.

Kal took his hand and stepped out into the light.

The Queen was there, reaching for her, and she went to her immediately, like a moth to flame. She took her hand and clung close by. Looking around, they were surrounded by the palace staff who were there to welcome their Queen home, but the staff did not look at her with any kindness. None of them did. In fact they seemed to regard her coldly. She didn't know why, she had done nothing to them.

She squeezed the Queen's arm. The Queen was speaking to the Mistress of the Household. "—my Girl. She will take up residence in the Queen's Suite for the time being, indefinitely. Any mistreatment of her is a mistreatment of me, and I will punish severely the person who makes her shed a tear."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Of course. I shall see to your every comfort. Your Suite is ready to receive you both, as you requested. Please," and the Mistress of the Household stepped aside, gesturing.

Kal's heart thumped in her ears. She didn't know why she was so nervous, nor did she understand the looks thrown her way. She just found them to be a little...much, and she just wanted to cling to Finnula. Luckily, the Queen pulled Kal closely to her. "Cling to me," she murmured quietly, in a voice just for her.

Kal did just that. She clung, and clung tightly. They walked together through hallways with plush carpets and alabaster walls. They passed large portraits of Kings and Queens past. They took a modern elevator lift to a second floor, then they approached the huge carved ebony doors into the Queen's Suite.

"Are you ready?" The Queen asked Kal.

Kal beamed at her, and nodded happily.

"Open the doors then, Mistress of the House."

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