Chapter 95: You're helping me by making me disappear from my mission

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"...The last communication I received was probably three days ago."

On the starship, Xu Qingran was learning what happened from Xie Nanjun.

Just like Mu Ziyu said, Shen Tingyu shouldered his identity as a camp general and took the initiative to ask to go to a certain base defense line on the 60 light-year line. There is no problem with this. If it were Xu Qingran himself today, he would be quite happy to challenge such a task.

It's just that Shen Tingyu's reaction was rather abnormal.

Rather than worrying about the high-risk mission, it was more like he knew what might happen on this mission in advance, so he instinctively refused to be honest. Xu Qingran was not worried that he would lose his life easily, but there were many things that he needed to talk to him about.

"Strictly speaking, it's just a weak signal." Xie Nanjun added, "There seems to be something wrong with their receiving base, including the traveling starship. They are unable to maintain clear communication with the empire and can only communicate through signal transmission. Inform them that they are still alive.”

The territory owned by the Kian Empire includes a total of 13 large galaxy clusters, which are the ones well-known to the people.

If we exchange concepts with the world Xu Qingran lived in in his previous life, each galaxy cluster is approximately equal to one Milky Way. There are countless solar systems in each galaxy, and only a small part has habitable stars for human habitation. The other places are more used as military strongholds or defense points in the space field, as well as resource collection centers, scientific research areas, etc. .

"You know, outside the public area of ​​​​the empire, the communication system is not as complete and convenient as at home." Xie Nanjun shook his shoulders, "It was all built by the old seniors who took risks. It is great to be able to achieve basic operations."

If you sum up the entire empire, it is an irregular circle.

An invisible line of territory wraps up all the galactic regions belonging to Kian. Once you cross the line shown on the radar, it is equivalent to 'going abroad'. The distance between other imperial alliances is also measured in light years, and there will be many 'open areas' between them that do not belong to any country.

Each empire or alliance can build defensive bases within a range of up to 500 light years from its own domain line.

——This is for an exceptionally powerful country.

Like Kian, it can only be regarded as a small and medium-sized empire in Gler.

With the empire's current capabilities, the defense line can only be extended to a distance of about 100 light-years for the time being. But even so, there are thousands of bases surrounding the entire empire, and Shen Tingyu and his army only went to a few places within the range that were the breakthrough points of the devil group.

Xu Qingran flipped through the public area mark map that Xie Nanjun had called up, and asked doubtfully: "These numbered bases are vertically distanced from our target location, and they are closer than us from the empire, so why don't we just dispatch reinforcements from there? "

After a pause, he added: "... Logically speaking, this kind of base would be garrisoned by troops, right?"

Xie Nanjun sneered and shook his head: "That's right. You were transferred to Tianlong as soon as you graduated, and you didn't even have time to learn about the military situation outside the field of popular science."

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