night train adventure

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you glanced up just to find your boyfriend, b/f, yawning.

"are you tired?" you inquired even though the answer was obviously presenting itself to you be seeing his exhausted posture.

still, he shook his head, "no, boo."

he said he wasn't tired only because you yourself weren't - you knew that because he had admitted it to you once, that he didn't want to go to sleep earlier than you but rather stay awake with you, even if it meant he had to suppress his weariness.

you gave him a stare. "seriously. if you're tired, go to sleep."

as he wasn't budging, not having moved by a single bit, you sighed at his stubborness.

"fine, i'll sleep, too," you gave in, knowing he'll rather tape his eyes open than fall asleep when you still were wide awake.

"will you?" the tired boy sitting opposite you on the train seat raised his head to look at you. he was currently leaned against the window, with his legs stretched in the air so as to let his feet rest against the edge of the opposite row of seats, the row of seats you were seated on, next to the window as well.

"yeah," you told him, "i could use some sleep, too, anyways. we need to be fresh tomorrow."

it was true, you needed all the energy you could possibly get for tomorrow, when your trip is finally actually starting. you had already been traveling for the better portion of the day and will continue throughout the night until morning, and you didn't plan to get one day off after you arrive to the destination to rest from the long ride.

at least the train was not that full - it wasn't any holiday, after all, and most people had to work or go to school (you both took the week off to make this trip possible to happen) and so you were able to score a coupe just for the two of you.

you shut the little curtain in front of the window close, as well as the curtain at the entrance to the coupe so that if some other traveler would happen to stroll through the narrow passage outside of the coupes, they won't be able to see you and your boyfriend napping.

then you lifted up your own legs, clad only in socks, shoes scattered on the floor. you settled sideways on the seat so that your back was against the window and your side leaned against the back of the seat, and stretched your legs in front of you on the remaining seats. you had a hoodie on to stay warm, and a small jacket bundled up into a pillow put under your head in an attempt to achieve maximal comfort.

"goodnight," you muttered to your boyfriend before folding your arms together on your chest and closing your eyes. the movement of the train was somehow aiding in lulling you to sleep.

when you heard no response, though, you grew curious and your eye lids fluttered open to glance at b/f, only to find him still staring at you. expectantly, like a pup waiting for his owner to feed him.

you raised your eyebrows in question at him, but when he gave no answer still, you pulled yourself up a bit, leaving your comfortable position. well, as comfortable as it could have been, at least.

"what?" still nothing. "you wanna cuddle?"

finally, he nodded.

he really was like a pup.

"come 'ere then," you gave in and motioned for him to join you on your row of seats with a wave of your hand. he sat on the middle seat and lay down, leaning on your chest and belly - of course he made sure to ask if it didn't hurt you - and sprawled his legs in front of him on the last seat available. you settled into your previous position as well, your legs intertwining with his.

your fingers instantly flew to his hair, beginning to make a little braid as you idly talked of nothing, feeling tiredness wash over you. and thirst, too.

you reached for the bottle placed on the little table under the window, taking a gulp. "want some?" you offered to b/f.

he pushed himself up slightly to drink, then handed the bottle back to you. his head settles against your belly again as if it were his favorite pillow to sleep on.

you put one of your arms by the side of his head and placed it on his chest, clad in a hoodie as well. he gripped your wrist gently. with your other hand, you played with his soft hair for a while longer.

"is this comfortable for you?" he asked.

"yeah," you nodded, feeling the warmth of him seeping into you and his hand holding yours. it was comfortable indeed.

he snuggled his head into your arm which you kept placed on his chest, giving you a tiny peck through the sleeve of your hoodie.

"good. but tell me if you'd want to switch."

you hummed okay in response, your fingers running through his hair and brushing away a few small tangles they found. his head rose slightly with each breath you took, but his weight was not positioned so that you'd have any trouble breathing.

"sweet dreams. i hope you dream of me," you heard him whisper to you. but you suddenly felt so cozy with him cuddled against you like that, so warm, so pleasantly tired and lazy, that you couldn't bring yourself to utter a witty remark, and just smiled to yourself.

you lay there comfortably together and listened to the sounds the train made as it moved through the country, fatigue taking over you.

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