Chapter Eleven

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I stood there in utter confusion as to why Mellissa Dayton just opened the door to my mate's house in nothing but a large t-shirt and reeking of desire with the overwhelming smell of my mates scent.

I was so shocked that I literally stood there staring at her as she stared back at me with a conceited smirk. Almost trying to rub in my face that it was her in my mate's house and not me which had my wolf clawing inside of me growling to come out.

I was interrupted before I could say or do anything by the one voice that I didn't want to hear. "Mel, who's at the door?" Blaine questioned, and suddenly the door was pulled further open, with my mate on full show. Standing there in a pair of boxers, his muscled chest on full display.

When he noticed me the look of surprise and guilt shined through his eyes. He opened his mouth to talk but I lunched myself at Mellissa before he could say a word, throwing her to the ground with me following after.

Punch after punch, I repeatedly pounded my fist into her face. Showing no mercy or humanity as I allowed my wolf to fully take over and control the situation. My wolf was in an uncontrollable state, all she could smell was our mates scent lingering all over Mellissa.

The thought of this sent my wolf into a frenzy, all she desired in that moment was to have blood dripping from her canines.

I was screaming and shouting incoherent words that I couldn't even understand as I refused to show compassion and forgiveness towards her.

I was roughly pulled from Mellissa being forced to stop my relentless attack, but not without making sure that I yanked a large amount of her red hair in my grip as we were pulled apart causing her to shriek in pain.

Anger flashed in my eyes as I looked up to see who was holding Mellissa away from me. My mate had his hands on her waist as he demanded that we stop fighting.

I felt stupid and embarrassed as I watched my mate reassure her instead of me and after everything we have been through, he decides to cheat on me with the person I hated most.

I shook my head and pulled a look of utter hatred and disgust at him before turning away, shaking myself out of the tight hold one of Blaine's wolves had on me.

I walked down the front steps as calmly as I could, trying to keep up the fake façade that everything was okay.

Refusing to cry, I walked at a fast pace towards the trees in the direction of my father's territory.

I needed to show Blaine that I was strong and content with my own self that I didn't need him. I knew my wolf would be mourning the loss of her mate, but I wasn't about to let him think it's acceptable to be unfaithful.

I wasn't going to run, I had control and I wasn't going to let him know that this situation was getting to me, that this was hurting me.

After everything that had happened between us, I couldn't be more repulsed by him.

He was supposed to be my soul mate, the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. Something that he had just so carelessly destroyed and he even had the audacity to give Mellissa a nickname.

I ignored the sounds of Blaine's thundering footsteps as he chased after me, shouting my name with his alpha tone. I almost laughed at the audacity of him thinking he could start shouting demands after everything he did. And I, most certainly wasn't about to stop and listen to whatever excuses he would lamely come up with.

I continued to walk in the direction towards my father's territory, too focused on walking away, I was suddenly yanked by my arm and compelled to face an angry looking Blaine which almost made me laugh at the nerve of him playing the pissed off card. "Just wait a minute," He lowly growled, with a slight plead. "Mellissa and I are nothing-"

Her Scarred Alpha | ✓ (Currently Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now